ID 5055
Last Name Nutt
First Name Elizabeth
Gender Female
Date of Birth 1666
Date of Death 1746
Place of Birth
Place of Death
Related Firms Elizabeth Nutt [Savoy]
Elizabeth Nutt [Royal Exchange]
Elizabeth and Richard Nutt
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Displaying 1–25 of 393

Role Title Date
Printer A compleat history of the Holy Bible, Contain'd in the Old and New Testaments in which are inserted the occurences that happen'd during the space of about five hundred years from the days of the Prophet Malachi to the birth of our blessed savior and that have been omitted in all or most of the former works of this nature. And with notes, explaining several difficult texts, and reconciling maning seeming contradictions in the translations, as well English as others, of the Sacred Scriptures. Adorn'd with above 150 cuts, engraved by J. Stuart. The Second Edition. 1716
Printer A summary of the penal laws relating to nonjurors, papists, popish recusants, and nonconformists. And of the late statutes concerning the succession, riots, and imprisonment of suspected persons. Collected and put into such a Method, that the Reader may at one View satisfie his Enquiry. The Offences and Penalties being ranged opposite to each other. To which are added, several adjudged cases, and Notes upon the most material Points: Wherein are contained, all the Oaths, Submissions, Declarations, Confessions of Faith and Affirmations, Required by the Government, since the first Year of Queen Elizabeth, to this present Year 1716. The second edition. To which is now added, the two late acts; the one, for appointing commissioners to Enquire of the Estates of certain Traytors, &c. The other, to oblige papists to register their names and real estates. 1716
Printer The analysis of the law: being a scheme, or, abstract, of the several titles and partitions of the law of England, digested into method. By Sir Matthew Hale, Kt. late Lord Chief Justice of the Court of King's Bench. The second edition corrected: with the addition of an alphabetical table. 1716
Printer The grand precedent: or, the conveyancer's guide and assistant. Containing the several distinct parts of all manner of instruments, writings, conveyances and assurances, in one grand deed; as, The Dates; the Parties how written in all Cases; Recitals of Deeds; Considerations; Grants and Premisses, and Bequests in Wills, &c. Exceptions, Habendums, Habendums in Trust to Uses, &c. Reddendums, Conditions and Proviso's; Covenants, Warranties, &c. Not only in all common matters, but upon the most extraordinary occasions, when Things of the greatest Difficulty and Variety have happened. By Giles Jacob, gent. 1716
Printer The history of the common law of England. Divided into twelve chapters. By Sir Matthew Hale, Kt. late Lord Chief Justice of the Court of King's Bench. The second edition corrected. 1716
Printer The scrivener's guide. Vol. II. Being choice and approved forms of precedents of all sorts of business now in use and practice, in a much better Method than any yet Printed; and useful for all gentlemen, but chiefly for those who practice the law, viz. Articles of Agreement, Assignments, Acquittances, Bankrupts, Bargains and Sales, Bills, Bonds, Certificates, Conditions, Copartnerships, Copyhold Precedents, Covenants, Defeazances, Deputations, Grants, Jointures, Indentures, Leases, Letters of Attorney, Licences, Mortgages, Obligations, Partitions, Provisoes, Releases, Revocations, Settlements of Estates, Wills, Warrants, &c. By Nicholas Covert, one of the Attorneys of the Court of Common Pleas. The third edition, corrected and enlarged with many additions, by William Bohun, of the Middle-Temple, Esq; 1716
Printer A treatise of the pleas of the Crown: or a system of the principal matters relating to that subject, digested under their proper heads. Book I. By William Hawkins, of the Inner Temple, Esq; 1716-21
Printer A catalogue of all the writs and processes, that issue out of the several courts at Westminster, &c. With great variety of cases relating to the same. Together with a full and exact account of their nature and use. In An Alphabetical Order. 1717
Printer A law-dictionary and glossary, interpreting such difficult and obscure words and terms, as are found either in our common or statute, ancient or modern, laws. With references to the several statutes, records, Registers, Charters, Ancient Deeds, Manuscripts and Law-Books, wherein the Words and Terms are used. By Tho. Blount, of the Inner-Temple, Esq; The third edition. To which are added above two thousand two hundred words, Collected from all the Laws of the Saxon, Danish and Norman Kings: And from all the Ancient Books of the Common Law, from the Monasticon Anglicanum, Du Fresne's Glossary, Chronicon Saxonicum, and the Volumes lately published by Dr. Gale. Also an explanation of all the ancient names of the inhabitants, cities, towns, villages and rivers of Great Britain. Collected formerly by Mr. Camden and others, and necessary for Understanding the History and Laws of this Realm. By W. Nelson, of the Middle Temple, Esq; 1717
Printer A law-Dictionary and glossary, interpreting such difficult and obscure words and terms, as are found either in our common or statute, ancient or modern, laws. With References to the several Statutes, Records, Registers, Charters, Ancient Deeds, Manuscripts and Law-Books, wherein the Words and Terms are used. By Tho. Blount, of the Inner-Temple, Esq; The third edition. To which are added near three thousand words, Collected from all the Laws of the Saxon, Danish and Norman Kings: And from all the Ancient Books of the Common Law, from the Monasticon Anglicanum, Du Fresne's Glossary, Chronicon Saxonicum, and the Volumes lately published by Dr. Gale. Also an explanation of all the ancient names of the inhabitants, cities, towns, villages and rivers of Great Britain. Collected formerly by Mr. Camden and others, and necessary for Understanding the History and Laws of this Realm. By W. Nelson, of the Middle Temple, Esq; 1717
Printer A supplement to the New version of Psalms by Dr. Brady and Mr. Tate; ... The eighth edition, corrected. With the addition of Plain instructions .. 1717
Printer A supplement to the new version of Psalms by Dr. Brady and Mr. Tate; containing the Psalms in particular measures; the usual hymns, Creed, Lord's Prayers, Ten Commandments, for the Holy Sacraments, &c. with Gloria Patr's, and Tunes (Treble and Bass) proper to each of them, and all the rest of the Psalms. The seventh edition, corrected. With the addition of plain instructions for all those who are desirous to learn or Improve themselves in Psalmody; near Thirty new tunes, composed by several of the best masters; and a Table of Psalms suited to Feasts and Fasts of the Church, &c. With Tables of all the Psalms of New, Old, and Dr. Patrick's Versions, directing what Tunes are fitted for each Psalm. The whole being a compleat psalmody. Useful for teachers and Learners of either Version. 1717
Printer Cases in law: wherein justices of peace have a jurisdiction, as well by their commission, as by Act of Parliament, which have received a determination by the judges in Westminster Hall, their [unclear] and in Sergeants Inn, from Edward the Third's time to this day: as they are reported in the year-books, and all the other reports down to this time. With the addition of some modern cases, not yet reported in any Book. Being the second part of The justice of peace's companion. By Samuel Blackerby, of Gray's Inn, Esq. 1717
Printer Manwood's treatise of the forest laws: Shewing not only the laws now in force, but the original of forests, what they are, and how they differ from chases, parks, and warrens; which all such things as are incident to either: together with the proper terms of art, collected out of the common and statute laws of this realm; as also from the assises and iters of Pickering and Lancaster, and several other ancient and learned authors. Treating also of the office of agistors, beadles, foresters, keepers, rangers, verderors and wood wards, and of the courts of attachment, &c. with all the variety of cases relating to forests, chases, parks, and warrens; and all the laws concerning the game made, adjudged or repealed, since the year 1665. The whole digested under proper titles in an alphabetical order. The fourth edition, corrected and enlarged. By William Nelson, of the Middle-Temple, Esq; 1717
Printer Reports of cases adjudg'd in the Court of King's Bench; with some special cases in the courts of Chancery, Common Pleas and Exchequer, from the first year of K. William and Q. Mary, to the tenth year of Queen Anne. By William Salkeld, Late Serjeant at Law. With Two Tables; the one of the Names of the Cases, the other of the Principal Matters therein contained. Vol. I. Allow'd and approv'd by the Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain, and all the Judges. 1717
Printer Reports of special cases argued and decreed in the Court of Chancery, in the reigns of King Charles I. King Charles II. and King William III. None of them ever before printed. Published by W. Nelson, of the Middle-Temple, Esq; 1717
Printer Riders (1717.) British Merlin: ... by Cardanus Riders. 1717
Printer The compleat constable. Directing all constables, headboroughs, tithingmen, church-wardens, overseers of the poor, surveyors of the high-ways, and scavengers, in the duty of their several offices, according to the power allowed them by the laws and statutes: Wherein the constable's duty, relating to ... rogues, vagabonds, ... is fully set forth, ... To which are added, abstracts of Acts worthy the knowledge of all people. The fourth edition, with additions. 1717
Printer The court-keeper's companion. Containing all common business of courts-leet and courts-baron: As the Charges to the Juries, Proceedings in Court, and Entries in the Rolls; with Precedents of Copies of Court-Roll, Grants, Admittances, Surrenders, Presentments, &c. of Copyhold-Estates for Lives and in Fee. To which are added, the general customs of copyhold-estates, and some Special Cases of Law concerning them, and the Business of Court-keeping. And also some necessary Precedents relating to Land-Stewardship, &c. 1717
Bookseller The Historical register, containing an impartial relation of all transactions, foreign and domestick. With a chronological diary of all the remarkable occurrences, viz. births, marriages, deaths, removals, promotions, &c. that happen'd in this year: together with the characters and parentage of persons deceas'd, of eminent rank. Volume II. For the year 1717. 1717
Printer The law of evidence: wherein all the cases that have yet been printed in any of our law books or tryals, and that in any wise relate to points of evidence, are collected and methodically digested under their proper heads: with necessary tables to the whole. 1717
Printer The modern conveyancer: or conveyancing improved. Being a choice collection of precedents on most occasions: drawn after the manner of conveyancing now in use. By The Greatest Hands of the Present Age; Of which some are still living. Consisting of Settlements of Estates upon Marriages, Bargains and Sales, Ecclesiastical Instruments, Mortgages, Leases, &c. With an Introduction concerning Conveyancing in General. Vol. I. The Fourth Edition, with considerable Additions. 1717
Printer The reports and entries of Sir Edward Lutwyche, Serjeant at Law, and late one of the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas. The several cases therein are truly stated upon the respective Pleadings and Entries, in English. Also Every Citation in the Report is carefully examin'd by the Law-Books to which they refer, and where they agree, and where they differ from the Point in Question made appear; and those ranged in that Order as in many Places to form an Argument where there was none before; with large Observations. Likewise Many obsolete Words and difficult Sentences are explain'd; which are printed in a different Character. Composed in a plain and easy method, and made very useful for Students and Practisers of the Common Law. By W. Nelson of the Middle-Temple, Esq; 1717
Printer The young clerk's tutor enlarged: being a most useful collection of the best precedents of recognizances, obligations, conditions, acquittances, bills of sale, warrants of attorney, &c. Also Names of Men and Women in Latin, Day of the Date, the several Sums of Money, and Addition of several Trades, in their proper Cases, as they stand in the Obligations. With Directions of Writs of Habeas Corpus, Certiorari, Writs of Errors, &c. to all Cities and Towns Corporate, Hundred and Manor Courts. Likewise the belt Precedents of all Manner of Concords of Fines, and Directions how to Cue out a Fine, with many judicious Observations therein. With many other things very necessary, and readily fitting every Man's Occasion: As by a new and exact Table of what is contained in this Book, will appear. To which are annexed several of the best copies both of Court and Chancery hand now extant, by Tho. Ollyff, Writing-Master, at the Hand and Pen in Fetter-Lane. The Sixteenth Edition, purged from the Errors of all Former Impressions. 1717
Printer A compendious and accurate treatise of fines upon writs of covenant; and recoveries upon writs of entry in the post. With ample and copious Instructions how to draw, acknowledge, and levy the same in all Cases. Being a Work performed with great Exactness, and full of Variety of Clerkship. With an Addition of several Precedents, and many Observations, Rules and Cases concerning the Effect and Operation of Fines and Recoveries. The fifth edition, reviewed, corrected, and now very much inlarged. 1718

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"Nutt, Elizabeth" The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Person ID 5055, Accessed 2025-02-21.

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