ID 1698
Last Name Roland de la Platière
First Name Marie-Jeanne
Gender Female
Date of Birth 1754-03-17
Date of Death 1793-11-08
Place of Birth Paris
Place of Death Paris
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Role Title Date
Author An appeal to impartial posterity, by Citizeness Roland, wife of the Minister of the Home Department; or, a collection of pieces written by her during her confinement in the prisons of the Abbey, and St. Pélagie. Published for the benefit of her only daughter, depried of the fortune of her parents, whose property is still in sequestration. In four parts. Vol. I. containing part I, II. Translated from the French. 1795
Author An appeal to impartial posterity, by Citizenness Roland, wife of the Minister of the Home Department: or, a collection of pieces written by her during her confinement in the prisons of the Abbey, and St. Pélagie: Published for the Benefit of her only Daughter, deprinted of the Fortune of her Parents, whose Property is still in Sequestration. Part I. Translated from the French. 1795
Author Appel à l'impartiale postérité, par la Citoyenne Roland, femme du Ministre de l'Intérieur; ou recueil des écrits qu'elle a rédigés, pendant sa détention ... En quatre parties. ... 1795
Author [An] appeal to impartial posterity, by Madame Roland, wife of the minister of the Home Department; Or, a collection of pieces written by her during her confinement in the prisons of the Abbey and St. Pélagie. Published originally in Paris for the benefit of her only daughter, deprived of the fortune of her parents, whose property is still in sequestration. In four parts. Part I. Translated from the French. 1796
Author An appeal to impartial posterity, by Madame Roland, wife of the Minister of the Interior; or, a collection of tracts written by her during her confinement in the prisons of the Abbey, and St. Pélagie, in Paris. In four parts. Translated from the French original, published for the benefit of her only daughter, deprived of the fortune of her parents by sequestration. 1796
Author Appel a l'impartiale postérité, par la Citoyenne Roland, femme du Ministre de L'Intérieur; ou recueil des ecrits qu'elle a rédigés, pendant sa détention aux Prisons de L'Abbaye et de Sainte-Pelagie; D'Apres L'Edition de Paris, faite au Profit de sa Fille unique, privee de la Fortune de ses Pere et Mère. dont les Biens sont toujours sequestres. 1796
Author The works (never before published) of Jeanne-Marie Phlipon Roland, wife of the ex-minister of the interior; containing her philosophical and literary essays, Writtin Previous To Her Marriage; Her Correspondence, And Her Travels. To Which Are Annexed The Justificative Documents Relative To Her Imprisonment And Condemnation. The whole preceded by a preliminary discourse, interspersed with notes, illustrative and explanatory, by L. A. Champagneux. Translated from the French. 1800

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"Roland de la Platière, Marie-Jeanne" The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Person ID 1698, Accessed 2025-03-25.

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