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Roland de la Platière, Marie-Jeanne. The works (never before published) of Jeanne-Marie Phlipon Roland, wife of the ex-minister of the interior; containing her philosophical and literary essays, Writtin Previous To Her Marriage; Her Correspondence, And Her Travels. To Which Are Annexed The Justificative Documents Relative To Her Imprisonment And Condemnation. The whole preceded by a preliminary discourse, interspersed with notes, illustrative and explanatory, by L. A. Champagneux. Translated from the French.The Women's Print History Project, 2019, title ID 5006, Accessed 2025-03-25.

@book{ wphp_5006
  author={Roland de la Platière,Marie-Jeanne},
  title={The works (never before published) of Jeanne-Marie Phlipon Roland, wife of the ex-minister of the interior; containing her philosophical and literary essays, Writtin Previous To Her Marriage; Her Correspondence, And Her Travels. To Which Are Annexed The Justificative Documents Relative To Her Imprisonment And Condemnation. The whole preceded by a preliminary discourse, interspersed with notes, illustrative and explanatory, by L. A. Champagneux. Translated from the French.},
  publisher={Joseph Johnson \& },
  address={London},    }

Suggestions and Comments for The works (never before published) of Jeanne-Marie Phlipon Roland, wife of the ex-minister of the interior; containing her philosophical and literary essays, Writtin Previous To Her Marriage; Her Correspondence, And Her Travels. To Which Are Annexed The Justificative Documents Relative To Her Imprisonment And Condemnation. The whole preceded by a preliminary discourse, interspersed with notes, illustrative and explanatory, by L. A. Champagneux. Translated from the French.
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