A brief deduction of the original, progress, and immense greatness of the British Woollen Manufacture: with an enquiry whether it be not at present in a very declining condition: The Reasons of its Decay; and the Only Means of its Recovery.
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Defoe, Daniel. A brief deduction of the original, progress, and immense greatness of the British Woollen Manufacture: with an enquiry whether it be not at present in a very declining condition: The Reasons of its Decay; and the Only Means of its Recovery.The Women's Print History Project, 2019, title ID 25631, https://womensprinthistoryproject.com/title/25631. Accessed 2025-03-25.
@book{ wphp_25631 author={Defoe,Daniel}, year={1727}, title={A brief deduction of the original, progress, and immense greatness of the British Woollen Manufacture: with an enquiry whether it be not at present in a very declining condition: The Reasons of its Decay; and the Only Means of its Recovery.}, publisher={}, address={London}, }
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