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Displaying 1501–1525 of 22283

Person Title
Bonpland, Aimé Jacques Alexandre Personal Narrative of Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of the New Continent During the Years 1799-1804. By Alexander de Humboldt, and Aimé Bonpland; with Maps, Plans, &c. Written in French by Alexander de Humboldt, and Translated into English by Helen Maria Williams.
Booker, Luke The Parnassian Garland; or, beauties of modern poetry : consisting of upwards of two hundred pieces, selected from the works of the most distinguished poets of the present age. With introductory lines to each article. Designed for the use of schools and the admirers of poetry in general. By John Evans, A. M. Master of a seminary for a limited number of pupils, Pullin's Row, Islington.
Boone, Susanna On the efficacy of the grace of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. By Susanna Waring, afterwards Susanna Boone.
Booth, Mrs. The little French lawyer. A farce. In two acts. Taken from Beaumont and Fletcher. As performed at the Theatre-Royal in Covent-Garden.
Boothby, Frances Marcelia: or the Treacherous Friend. A Tragicomedy. As it is Acted at the Theatre-Royal, by His Majesties Servants. Written by Mrs. F. Boothby. Licenc'd, October 9, 1669. Roger L'Estrange.
Boreman, Thomas A Description of Three Hundred Animals, viz. Beasts, Birds, Fishes, Serpents, and Insects, with a Particular Account of the Manner of their Catching Whales in Greenland. Extracted from the best Authors, and adapted to the use of all capacities. Illustrated with copper-plates, whereon is curiously engraven every beast, bird, fish, serpent, and insect, described in the whole book. A new edition, carefully corrected and amended.
Boreman, Thomas A Description of Three Hundred Animals, viz. Beasts, Birds, Fishes, Serpents, and Insects, with a Particular Account of the Manner of their Catching Whales in Greenland. Illustrated with copper-plates. New edition.
Boreman, Thomas A Description of Three Hundred Animals, viz. Beasts, Birds, Fishes, Serpents, and Insects, with a Particular Account of the Manner of their Catching Whales in Greenland. Extracted from the Best Authors, and adapted to the use of all Capacities. Illustrated with Copper-plates, whereon it is curiously engraven every Beast, Bird, Fish, Serpent, and Insect, described in the whole book. A New Edition, carefully corrected and amended.
Boston, Patience A faithful narrative of the wicked life and remarkable conversion of Patience Boston alias Samson; who was executed at York, in the County of York, July 24th. 1735. for the murder of Benjamin Trot of Falmouth in Casco Bay, a child of about eight years of age, whom she drowned in a well. With a preface by the Reverend Messi. Samuel & Joseph Moody, Pastors of the churches in said town. [Six lines of Scripture texts]
Boston, Patience The confession, declaration, dying warning and advice of Patience Sampson, alias Patience Boston, who was executed at York, July 24th. 1735 for the murder of Benjamin Trot of Falmouth in Casco Bay, a child of about eight years of age, which she drowned in a well, July 9th. 1734, and went immediately and accused her self before one of His Majesty's justices of the peace, continuing her self-accusation from first to last; even on her trial; standing to it also from her condemnation, to the very time of her execution.
Botsford, Margaret Adelaide. A new and original novel. By a lady of Philadelphia. In two volumes.
Botsford, Margaret Viola; heiress of St. Valverde. An original romance. : To which is annexed a variety of original poetical pieces. By Mrs. Botsford. Authoress of Adelaide, Western Elysium, and Modern Piety. Second Edition.
Botsford, Margaret The reign of reform, or, Yankee Doodle court. By a lady.
Boucher, Jonathan The times, a satirical poem, written during the American Revolution, by the Rev. Mr. Odell.
Bouilly, Jean-Nicolas Cumberland's British Theatre, with remarks, biographical and critical. Printed from the acting copies, as performed at the Theatres Royal, London.
Bourbon-Conti, Stéphanie-Louise de Historical memoirs of Stephanie Louise de Bourbon Conti.
Bourignon, Antoinette The academy of learned divines; shewing how to discern between the truth of God and the studied opinions of men. ... Part 1. By Mrs. Antonia Bourignon.
Bourignon, Antoinette The academy of learned divines; detecting many secret sins, which the more religious part of mankind is addicted to: and shewing the true means to reform them. The third and last part. By Mrs. Antonia Bourignon.
Bourignon, Antoinette The academy of learned divines. Wherein certain marks are given to discern the spirit of God from the spirit of the devil, or of corrupt nature. ... Part II. By Mrs. Antonia Bourignon.
Bourignon, Antoinette The light risen in darkness. In four parts. Being a collection of letters written to several persons, upon great and important subjects. Very profitable for the Common Instruction and Conduct of all who seek God in Sincerity: But in a Special manner for detecting the Lamentable decay of the Life and Spirit of Christianity now at this time, and directing to the proper means of recovering it. With a large explication of the 24. and 25. chapters of St. Matthew's gospel. By Antonia Bourignon. Done out of the French.
Bourignon, Antoinette The light risen in darkness. In four parts. Being a collection of letters written to several persons, upon great and important subjects. ... With a large explication of the 24. and 25. chapters of St. Matthew's gospel. By Antonia Bourignon. Done out of the French.
Bourignon, Antoinette The renovation of the Gospel Spirit. Part the second. Which treats concerning the corruption which sin has brought to man. Of the glorious estate in which god has created him. Of Eternal felicity. And of many proper motives to move the hearts of men to resolve to imbrace a life truly evangelical. By Anthoinette Bourignon. Translated from the French.
Bourke, Hannah Maria O'Donoghue, Prince of Killarney; a Poem: In Seven Cantos. By Hannah Maria Bourke.
Bourlier, Marie Anne A Book of Four large Heads for Chalk Drawing, by Bourlier.
Bourne, Charles The proceedings in the Court of King’s Bench, on the indictments against Charles Bourne, gent. on the prosecution of Sir James Wallace, for a libel and for an assault: Containing The Evidence, the Arguments of the Counsel, and the Speech of Mr. Justice Willes, on pronouncing the Judgment of the Court. To which are added copies of all the affidavits, both for the prosecution and for the defendant. Taken in short-hand by Joseph Gurney.