Name Printer

Indicates the person running the firm that printed the work. This role is included if the firm is female-run.


Displaying 1–25 of 1662

Person Title
Adams (Printer), Elizabeth Manchester vindicated: being a compleat collection of the papers lately published in defence of that town, in the Chester Courant.
Aitken, Jane Report of the Committee of Accounts, with the Report of the Schuylkill Permanent Bridge Committee on the Present State of the Bridge.
Aitken, Jane An Act to Authorize and Direct the Governor to incorporate a company for erecting A Permanent Bridge over the River Schuylkill, at or near where the floating bridge of Abraham Sheriden is at present situate, known by the name of "The Upper Ferry." In the county of Philadelphia.
Aitken, Jane Marian. A novel. In two volumes.
Aitken, Jane A narrative of the state of religion within the bounds of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States; and an account of missionaries appointed for the year 1807.
Aitken, Jane The Lives of the most eminent English Poets; with Critical Observations on their Works. By Samuel Johnson, L. L. D. In three volumes.
Aitken, Jane Extracts from the Minutes of the General Assembly, of the Presbyterian Church, in the United States of America: A. D. 1814.
Aitken, Jane Report of the Watering Committee to the Select & Common Councils, November 2d, 1809. Published by order of Councils.
Aitken, Jane The moral mirror: or, a Looking-Glass for sots, parasites, gluttons, clowns, praters, time-servers, pretenders, knaves, knights of the post, atheists, zealots, hypocrites, &c. &c. &c.
Aitken, Jane Catechismi Westmonasteriensis minoris Exemplar typis, quibus quantitas affigitur, Impressum. In Usum Discentium, quorum Parentes, doctrinam, disciplinam et fidem Presbyteriam in Civitatibus Americanis Foederatis profitentur. Accurante Ja. Ross, humanorum literarum, negnon et Graecae linguae professore.
Aitken, Jane Thoughts on Instinctive Impulses.
Aitken, Jane Strength in weakness manifest: in the life, various trials, and Christian testimony of that faithful servant and handmaid of the Lord, Elizabeth Stirredge, who departed this life, at her house at Hemstead in Hertfordshire, in the 72d year of her age. Written by her own hand. Shewing her pious care and counsel to her children, and according to their desire made public: also for the instruction and benefit of many other parents and children concerned.
Aitken, Jane Extracts from the Minutes of the General Assembly, of the Presbyterian Church, in the United States of America: A. D. 1815.
Aitken, Jane Report of the Watering Committee to the Select and Common Councils, November 24th, 1808. Published by order of Councils.
Aitken, Jane An Attempt to Ascertain the Cause of the Extensive Inflammation, which attacks Wounded Cavities and their contents. By James Cocke, of Virginia.
Aitken, Jane Agricultural memoirs. Just published and for sale by Jane Aitken, no. 71, North Third Street, and most of the booksellers, also at Bernard M'Mahon's seed store, no. 39, South Second Street, Philadelphia; price $2 50, Memoirs of the Agricultural Society of Philadelphia
Aitken, Jane A discourse occasioned by the death of the Reverend John Ewing, D.D. Late Senior Pastor of the First Presbyterian Congregation, of the city of Philadelphia, and provost of the University of Pennsylvania. By John Blair Linn, A.M. Pastor of the said Congregation.
Aitken, Jane A Comparative view of the Natural Small-Pox, Inoculated Small-Pox, and Vaccination in their effects on Individuals and Society.
Aitken, Jane The Young Communicant's Catechism, or, A help both short and plain for instructing and preparing the young, to make a right approach unto the Lord's Table. With a proposal for public renewing of the baptismal covenant. By Mr. John Willison, Minister of the Gospel in Dundee. First American Edition.
Aitken, Jane Acts and proceedings of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church, in the United States of America, May 16th, 1799.
Aitken, Jane An Investigation of the Properties and Effects, of the Spiraea Trifoliata of Linnaeus, or Indian Physic. By Jacob De La Motta, of Charleston South Carolina. Member of the Philadelphia Medical and American Linnaean Societies; and Member of the Charleston Philosophical Society.
Aitken, Jane A Sermon preached before the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America; by appointment of their Standing Committee of Missions, May 19, 1806. Published at their request. By Eliphalet Nott, D. D. President of Union College in the State of New York.
Aitken, Jane Proposals for publishing by subscription, a translation from the French, of A. Le Sage's Historical genealogical chronological and geographical atlas.
Aitken, Jane Extracts from the minutes of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America: from A.D. 1812, to A.D. 1816, inclusive. With a copious index. Vol. III.
Aitken, Jane The child's monitor; or Parental instruction; in four parts: containing a great variety of progressive lessons, (interspersed with moral and religious reflections) adapted to the comprehension of children; and calculated to instruct them in reading, and the use of stops; and, at the same time, to give them some knowledge of natural history, the Scriptures, and of several other sublime and important subjects. By John Hornsey, author of "A short grammar of the English language," "An introduction to arithmetic," and "The book of monosylables; or An introduction to the Child's monitor." The first American edition corrected, and improved.