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Bunbury, Henry William. An Academy for Grown Horsemen; containing The Completest Instructions For walking, trotting, cantering, galloping, stumbling, and tumbling. By Geoffrey Gambado, Esq. Riding Master, Master of the Horse, and Grand Equerry to the Doge of Venice. Illustrated with twelve caricatures, from designs by Bunbury.The Women's Print History Project, 2019, title ID 21157, Accessed 2024-09-07.

@book{ wphp_21157
  author={Bunbury,Henry William},
  title={An Academy for Grown Horsemen; containing The Completest Instructions For walking, trotting, cantering, galloping, stumbling, and tumbling. By Geoffrey Gambado, Esq. Riding Master, Master of the Horse, and Grand Equerry to the Doge of Venice. Illustrated with twelve caricatures, from designs by Bunbury.},
  publisher={Mathew Carey [122 Market Street]},
  address={Philadelphia},    }

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