Name Political Writing

Appeal, letter, defence, essay, address, summary, supplement, or reflection relating to society, culture, government. 


Displaying 1–25 of 785

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
5026 [An] appeal to impartial posterity, by Madame Roland, wife of the minister of the Home Department; Or, a collection of pieces written by her during her confinement in the prisons of the Abbey and St. Pélagie. Published originally in Paris for the benefit of her only daughter, deprived of the fortune of her parents, whose property is still in sequestration. In four parts. Part I. Translated from the French. Roland de la Platière , Marie-Jeanne
24789 A brief reply to the letter from Edinburgh, relating to the case of Mrs. Anderson, Her Majesty's printer in Scotland. Campbell , Agnes
25463 A brief vindication of those who have lately conform'd, from the uncharitable censures of a pamphlet, entitled, Some observations upon the present state of the Dissenting interest, and the Case of Those who have lately deserted it. Unknown ,
James Roberts [Warwick Lane] (London)
25559 A calculation of the new scheme for the disposing of the South-Sea property. Wherein is shewn what dividend the South-Sea Company can make on the old foot; What Dividend the New Scheme proposes, and what Dividend (if the Scheme takes Effect) the Three Companies can really make by their present Profits and the Interest of the New Ingrafted Stock. Being what was intended to have been publish'd in the White-Hall Evening-Post. Unknown ,
James Roberts [Warwick Lane] (London)
Anne Dodd I (London)
Thomas Griffith (London)
Jane Billingsley (London)
21172 A Calm Address to the People of the Eastern States, on the subject of the Representation of Slaves; The Representation in the Senate; and The Hostility to Commerce ascribed to the Southern States. By the author of The Olive Branch. Carey , Mathew
Mathew Carey [122 Market Street] (Philadelphia)
24974 A caveat against the Tories: In an impartial view of their behaviour in the reigns of K. James II, K. William III, and Her Majesty Q. Anne; with some account of what may be expected from them at present, by their reviving the assertion of hereditary right. To which is added, a tory-example: in the infamous life and character of the Late Curate of Gravesend, prov'd by remarkable testimonials, affidavits, and certificates. By a Presbyter of the Church of England. Barnett , Thomas
Anne Dodd I (London)
23700 A caveat to the treaters; or, The modern schemes of partition examin'd, with relation to the safety of Europe in general, and of Great-Britain and Ireland in particular. Including an answer to several late pamphlets on that subject; with a more particular account of the conferences at Gertruydenberg than has yet been publish'd. Hare , Francis
Sarah Popping (London)
6514 A Christmas-box for masters and misses. Publish'd according to Act of Parliament. Unknown ,
Stanley Crowder and Co. [London Bridge] (London)
1173 A Christmas-Box, for the Advocates of Bull-Baiting Heyrick , Elizabeth
26193 A Coalision of Parties Give Justice her claims. Unknown ,
Elizabeth Darchery (London)
987 A Collection of some of the Most Celebrated Parliamentary Speeches During the Last Five Centuries. Compiled with Care from the Most Approved Readings. Shore , Margaret Emily
24320 A collection of white and black lists or, A view of those gentlemen who have given their votes in Parliament for and against the Protestant religion, and succession, and the trade and liberties of their country; ever since the Glorious Revolution to the happy accession of King George. N.B. The errors of all former lists are here corrected. Adding something to this title. The fourth edition. Whatley , Stephen
Sarah Popping (London)
1715 The fourth edition
24969 A Complete Catalogue of all the Discourses Written, Both for and against Popery, in the Time of King James II. Containing in the Whole, An Account of Four Hundred and Fifty seven Books and Pamphlets, a great Number of them not mentioned in the three former Catalogues. With References after each Title, for the more speedy finding of a further Account of the said Discourses, and of their Authors, in sundry Writers: and an Alphabetical List of the Writers on each Side. A tract very necessary for these Times, and for all those who are desirous to complete their Sets of those Pieces, or would sort them to the best Advantage. Drawn up in a new Method, by Francis Peck, M.A. rector of Godeby, near Melton in Leicestershire. Peck , Frances
25394 A curious little oration, deliver'd by Father Andrew, concerning the present great quarrels that divide the clergy of France. Translated from the fourth edition of the French, by Dan. De F-e. Defoe , Daniel
1717 The Second Edition.
25460 A declaration of Monsieur de la Noue, to the diet of the Empire, at Francfort, in the name of the French King. With proper observations upon that masterpiece of French policy. Translated from the Dutch. de La Noüe , Denis Malbrand
13617 A Defence of the decree of the National Convention of France, for emancipating the slaves in the West Indies. By W. Fox. Fox , William
13676 A Defence of the Decree of the National Convention of France, For emancipating the slaves in the West Indies. By W. Fox. Fox , William
25669 A defence of the negative of the two questions propos'd by Mr. Reynolds and his people, to Mr. Read. In a letter to the Revd. Mr. Reynolds. By an Impartial inquirer after truth. Unknown ,
Samuel Billingsley (London)
25462 A defense of the Right Reverend Bishops of Rochester and Bristol: being a full answer to a late virulent pamphlet, entitul'd, Bishop Atterbury's and Bishop Smalridge's reasons for not signing the declaration, lately put forth by the Arch-Bishop of Canterbury, and the other bishops. With considerations on the Bishop of L-n's letter to his clergy, immediately after His Lordship's signing the said declaration. Unknown ,
Anne Dodd I (London)
25763 A demonstration of the falsity of the narration, published to draw a parallel between the election of Stanislaus Leszezynski and ... Augustus III, Duke ... of Saxony, ... By a Polish nobleman. To which is added, a ... genealogical table, shewing how ... Augustus III. descends ... from Jagello King of Poland. Unknown , [Man]
John Brindley (London)
3163 A dialogue between Clara Neville and Louisa Mills, on loyalty, &c. Recommended to the attention of every female in Great Britain. By one of their countrywomen. Dawbarn , Elizabeth
26004 A discourse concerning the currencies of the British plantations in America. Especially with regard to their paper money: more particularly in relation to the province of the Massachusetts-Bay, in New England. Douglass , William
Thomas Cooper (London)
Robert Amey (London)
Elizabeth Nutt [Royal Exchange] (London)
13611 A discourse on National Fasts, Particularly in reference to that of April 19, 1793. On Occasion of the War against France. By W. Fox. The third edition. Fox , William
1793 The third edition.
13612 A Discourse, Occasioned by the National Fast, February 28, 1794. By W. Fox. Fox , William
15770 A Fair Way with the Dissenters and their Patrons. Not Writ by Mr. L—y, or any other furious Jacobite, whether Clergyman or Layman; but by a very Moderate Person and Dutiful Subject to the Queen. Astell , Mary
Richard Wilkin (London)