ID 5348
Name Jane Aitken [71 North Third Street]
Gender Female
Street Address No. 71 North Third Street
City Philadelphia
Start Date 1808
End Date 1813
Related People Aitken, Jane
Related Firms Jane Aitken [20 North Third Street]
Jane Aitken [62 North Third Street]


Displaying 1–25 of 71

Firm Role Title Contributors Date
Bookseller Agricultural memoirs. Just published and for sale by Jane Aitken, no. 71, North Third Street, and most of the booksellers, also at Bernard M'Mahon's seed store, no. 39, South Second Street, Philadelphia; price $2 50, Memoirs of the Agricultural Society of Philadelphia Aitken , Jane (Bookseller)
Aitken , Jane (Publisher)
Aitken , Jane (Printer)
Printer Agricultural memoirs. Just published and for sale by Jane Aitken, no. 71, North Third Street, and most of the booksellers, also at Bernard M'Mahon's seed store, no. 39, South Second Street, Philadelphia; price $2 50, Memoirs of the Agricultural Society of Philadelphia Aitken , Jane (Bookseller)
Aitken , Jane (Publisher)
Aitken , Jane (Printer)
Printer Extracts from the Minutes of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America; A. D. 1808. Wilson , James P. (Editor)
Alexander , Archibald (Editor)
Janeway , Jacob Jones (Editor)
and 1 more.
Printer Memoirs of the Philadelphia Society for Promoting Agriculture. Aitken , Jane (Printer)
Bailey , Lydia R. (Printer)
Printer Memoirs of the Philadelphia Society for Promoting Agriculture. Containing Communications on Various Subjects in Husbandry & Rural Affairs. To which is added, A Statistical Account of the Schuylkill Permanent Bridge. Vol. I. Peters , Richard (Author)
Traquair , Adam (Illustrator)
Kneass , William (Engraver)
and 26 more.
Printer Report of the Watering Committee to the Select and Common Councils, November 24th, 1808. Published by order of Councils. Vanuxem , James (Author)
Aitken , Jane (Printer)
Printer The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Covenant, commonly called the Old and New Testament: translated from the Greek. By Charles Thomson, Late Secretary to the Congress of the United States. Thomson , Charles (Translator)
Aitken , Jane (Printer)
Printer The necessary duty of family prayer, and the deplorable condition of prayerless families considered: in a letter from a minister to his parishioners. With prayers for their use. Woodward , Josiah (Author)
Aitken , Jane (Printer)
Publisher Agricultural memoirs. Just published and for sale by Jane Aitken, no. 71, North Third Street, and most of the booksellers, also at Bernard M'Mahon's seed store, no. 39, South Second Street, Philadelphia; price $2 50, Memoirs of the Agricultural Society of Philadelphia Aitken , Jane (Bookseller)
Aitken , Jane (Publisher)
Aitken , Jane (Printer)
Printer A Review Of The Cause of the New Orleans Batture and of the discussions that have taken place respecting it; containing Answers to the Late Publications of Messrs. Thierry & Derbigny on that subject. By Peter Stephen Du Ponceau, Counsellor at Law, Of Counsel with Edward Livingston Esq. Du Ponceau , Peter Stephen (Author)
Aitken , Jane (Printer)
Printer An Act to Incorporate the Farmers and Mechanics Bank. Aitken , Jane (Printer)
Snyder , Simon (Author)
Printer An Epitome of Electricity & Galvanism. By two gentlemen of Philadelphia. Green , Jacob (Author)
Hazard , Erskine (Author)
Aitken , Jane (Printer)
and 1 more.
Printer By Laws of the Farmers & Mechanics Bank. Aitken , Jane (Printer)
Printer Extracts from the Minutes of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America; A. D. 1809. Potts , George Charles (Editor)
Janeway , Jacob Jones (Editor)
Aitken , Jane (Printer)
Printer Present Duty. A Discourse, delivered on the 31st of December, 1808; which was observed, by concert, as a day of Public Thanksgiving and Prayer, in several of the churches in the City of Philadelphia. By James Gray, D. D. Pastor of the Associate Reformed Church. Published by the particular request of the Elders and Trustees of said Church. Gray , James (Author)
Aitken , Jane (Printer)
Printer Report of the Watering Committee to the Select & Common Councils, November 2d, 1809. Published by order of Councils. Vanuxem , James (Author)
Aitken , Jane (Printer)
Printer The Art of Playing the Organ and Piano Forte, or Characters adapted to instruments. By Andrew Law. Law , Andrew (Author)
Aitken , Jane (Printer)
Printer The works of Samuel Johnson, L.L.D. A new edition, in fifteen [i.e., twelve] volumes. With an essay on his life and genius, by Arthur Murphy, Esq. Johnson , Samuel (Author)
Murphy , Arthur (Author)
Aitken , Jane (Printer)
and 9 more.
Printer A Dissertation, on the coincidence between the Priesthoods of Jesus Christ & Melchisedec, in three parts, in which the passages of Scripture relating to that subject, in the xiv. chapter of Genesis, the cx. Psalm, the v. vi. vii. chapters of the Epistle to the Hebrews, are explained. By James Gray, D. D. Gray , James (Author)
Aitken , Jane (Printer)
Printer A letter from the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America, to the churches under their care; accompanied with a plan adopted by the Assembly for the establishment of a Theological School, intended to increase The Piety and Learning, of candidates for the holy ministry, as well as to procure A Larger Supply of Ministers for the wants of the churches. Romeyn , John Brodhead (Author)
Janeway , Jacob Jones (Author)
Aitken , Jane (Printer)
Printer Accounts of the Corporation of the City of Philadelphia, for the year 1809. Published by order of the Councils. Aitken , Jane (Printer)
Baker , George A. (Author)
Printer Agricultural Inquiries on Plaister of Paris. Also Facts, Observations and Conjectures On That Substance, when applied as manure. Collected, chiefly from the practice of farmers in Pennsylvania, and published as much with a view to invite, as to give information. With some additional notes; and more recent facts and information. By Richard Peters. Peters , Richard (Author)
Aitken , Jane (Printer)
Printer An Investigation of the Properties and Effects, of the Spiraea Trifoliata of Linnaeus, or Indian Physic. By Jacob De La Motta, of Charleston South Carolina. Member of the Philadelphia Medical and American Linnaean Societies; and Member of the Charleston Philosophical Society. De La Motta , Jacob (Author)
Aitken , Jane (Printer)
Printer Extracts from the Minutes of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America; A. D. 1810. Potts , George Charles (Editor)
Janeway , Jacob Jones (Editor)
Aitken , Jane (Printer)
Printer Extracts from the Minutes of the Proceedings of the Sixth General Synod of the Associate-Reformed Church, in North-America; Held at Philadelphia, on Wednesday, the 30th May, 1810, and continued by adjournment. Aitken , Jane (Printer)
Gray , James (Editor)

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"Jane Aitken [71 North Third Street]." The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Firm ID 5348, Accessed 2025-02-22.

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