There are 71 titles associated with this firm.

Memoirs of the Philadelphia Society for Promoting Agriculture. Philadelphia: Johnson & Warner, Benjamin Warner [Market Street], Robert H. Small, 1808.
Peters, Richard, John D. Steele, Joseph Cooper, Paul Cooper, James Mease, William Young, Anthony Fothergill, Caleb Kirk, Algernon Roberts, John Taylor, Timothy Matlack, William Coxe Jr., Moses Coates, Joseph Capner, John Keemle, John Pearson, James Tilton, William Ashford, William Bakewell, Samuel Dickey, Thomas Main, William Bartram, Rembrandt Peale, Charles Caldwell, and Thomas F. Leaming. Memoirs of the Philadelphia Society for Promoting Agriculture. Containing Communications on Various Subjects in Husbandry & Rural Affairs. To which is added, A Statistical Account of the Schuylkill Permanent Bridge. Vol. I. Philadelphia: 1808.
Snyder, Simon. An Act to Incorporate the Farmers and Mechanics Bank. Philadelphia: 1809.
Green, Jacob, and Erskine Hazard. An Epitome of Electricity & Galvanism. By two gentlemen of Philadelphia. Philadelphia: 1809.
Roscoe, William. The Butterfly's Birth-day. By the author of the Butterfly's Ball. Philadelphia: Benjamin and Thomas Kite, 1810.
Law, Thomas. Thoughts on Instinctive Impulses. Philadelphia: 1810.
Peters, Richard, John Lang, William Phillips, Abednigo Robinson, J. P. de Gruchy, John D. Steele, Paul Cooper, Joseph Lyman, John Taylor, Samuel Preston, Thomas Newbold, Samuel H. Smith, Algernon Roberts, Paul Busti, Dr. Barton, John Armstrong, James Mease, Timothy Pickering, Edward Garrigues, William Young, John Lorain, Z. Hollingsworth, William Rawle, James Cutbush, André Thouin, C. Drayton, A. Perlee, W. Baldwin, and W. W. Mason. Memoirs of the Philadelphia Society for Promoting Agriculture. Containing communications on various subjects in Husbandry & Rural Affairs. To which is added, at the request of the Society, "Agricultural Inquiries on Plaister of Paris." Vol. II. Philadelphia: Johnson & Warner, 1811.
Webster, Noah. The Prompter; or a Commentary on Common Sayings & Subjects, which are full of Common Sense, the best sense in the world. Philadelphia: Benjamin and Thomas Kite, Johnson & Warner, 1811.
Rush, Rebecca. Kelroy, A Novel. By a Lady of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia: Bradford and Inskeep (Philadelphia), Inskeep and Bradford (New York), 1812.
Benger, Elizabeth O. Marian. A novel. In two volumes. Philadelphia: Bradford and Inskeep (Philadelphia), Inskeep and Bradford (New York), 1812.
Bury, Charlotte S. M. C. Self-indulgence; a tale of the nineteenth century. Philadelphia: Bradford and Inskeep (Philadelphia), Inskeep and Bradford (New York), 1812.
Maturin, Charles R. The Milesian chief. A romance. By Denis Jasper Murphy, author of Montorio, and The Wild Irish Boy. In two volumes. Philadelphia: Bradford and Inskeep (Philadelphia), Inskeep and Bradford (New York), 1812.
Perot, John, Richard Peters, Abraham Kintzing, Thomas Cumpston, Richard Rundle, Anthony Cuthbert, Thomas Newbold, and John Connelly. Report of the Committee of Accounts, with the Report of the Schuylkill Permanent Bridge Committee on the Present State of the Bridge. Philadelphia: 1813.
Cottin, Sophie R. Elizabeth; or, the Exiles of Siberia: A Tale, founded upon facts. From the French of Madame Cottin. Philadelphia: Mathew Carey [122 Market Street], 1814.