The moral mirror: or, a Looking-Glass for sots, parasites, gluttons, clowns, praters, time-servers, pretenders, knaves, knights of the post, atheists, zealots, hypocrites, &c. &c. &c.
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Butler, Samuel, Earle, John. The moral mirror: or, a Looking-Glass for sots, parasites, gluttons, clowns, praters, time-servers, pretenders, knaves, knights of the post, atheists, zealots, hypocrites, &c. &c. &c.The Women's Print History Project, 2019, title ID 21162, Accessed 2025-03-06.
Butler, Samuel and John Earle. The moral mirror: or, a Looking-Glass for sots, parasites, gluttons, clowns, praters, time-servers, pretenders, knaves, knights of the post, atheists, zealots, hypocrites, &c. &c. &c. Philadelphia: Mathew Carey [122 Market Street], 1813.
Butler , S., & Earle , J. (1813). The moral mirror: or, a looking-glass for sots, parasites, gluttons, clowns, praters, time-servers, pretenders, knaves, knights of the post, atheists, zealots, hypocrites, &c. &c. &c. Philadelphia: Mathew Carey [122 Market Street]
Butler, Samuel, and John Earle. The moral mirror: or, a Looking-Glass for sots, parasites, gluttons, clowns, praters, time-servers, pretenders, knaves, knights of the post, atheists, zealots, hypocrites, &c. &c. &c. Philadelphia: Mathew Carey [122 Market Street], 1813.
@book{ wphp_21162 author={Butler,Samuel and Earle,John}, year={1813}, title={The moral mirror: or, a Looking-Glass for sots, parasites, gluttons, clowns, praters, time-servers, pretenders, knaves, knights of the post, atheists, zealots, hypocrites, &c. &c. &c.}, publisher={Mathew Carey [122 Market Street]}, address={Philadelphia}, }
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