Name Editor

The person who selected, revised, and arranged the work for print.


Displaying 176–200 of 854

Person Title
Collyer, William Bengo Hymns, Partly Collected, and Partly Original, Designed as a Supplement to Dr. Watts's Psalms and Hymns
Colman, George (the elder) Poems by Eminent Ladies; Particularly Mrs. Barber, Mrs. Behn, Miss Carter, Lady Chudleigh, Mrs. Cockburn, Mrs. Grierson, Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Killigrew, Mrs. Leapor, Mrs. Madan, Mrs. Masters, Lady M.W. Montague, Mrs. Monk, Duchess of Newcastle, Mrs. C. Philips, Mrs. Pilkington, Mrs. Rowe, Lady Winchelsea.
Colman, George (the elder) Poems by the most eminent ladies of Great-Britain and Ireland. Particularly, Mrs. Barber, Mrs. Behn, Miss Carter, Lady Chudleigh, Mrs. Cockburn, Mrs. Grierson, Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Killigrew, Mrs. Leapor, Mrs. Madan, Mrs. Masters, Lady M. W. Montague, Mrs. Monk, Dutchess of Newcastle, Mrs. K. Philips, Mrs. Pilkington, Mrs. Rowe, Lady Winchelsea. Selected, with an account of the writers, by G. Colman and B. Thornton, Esqrs. A new edition.
Colman, George (the younger) Poems by Eminent Ladies; Particularly Mrs. Barber, Mrs. Behn, Miss Carter, Lady Chudleigh, Mrs. Cockburn, Mrs. Grierson, Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Killigrew, Mrs. Leapor, Mrs. Madan, Mrs. Masters, Lady M.W. Montague, Mrs. Monk, Duchess of Newcastle, Mrs. C. Philips, Mrs. Pilkington, Mrs. Rowe, Lady Winchelsea.
Conder, John Songs in the night; by a young woman Under heavy Afflictions. With a supplement. Second American edition;
Conder, John Songs in the night; by a young woman under heavy afflictions. The fourth edition; with a supplement.
Conder, John Songs in the Night. By Susanna Harrison, a young woman under heavy afflictions.
Conder, John Songs in the Night. By Susanna Harrison, a young woman under heavy afflictions. A new edition.
Conder, John Songs in the night; with the supplement. By a young woman, under heavy affliction for twelve years. To which is added, A remarkable scene in the author's life. Sixth American edition.
Conder, John Songs in the Night. By Susanna Harrison, a young woman under heavy afflictions.
Conder, John Songs in the Night; by a young woman under heavy afflictions. First American, from the Fourth London, Edition; with a supplement.
Conder, John Songs in the night; by a young woman under deep afflictions.
Conder, John Songs in the night; by a young woman under heavy afflictions. With a supplement. Third American edition.
Conder, John Songs in the Night. By Susanna Harrison, a young woman under heavy afflictions. The eighth edition.
Conder, John Songs in the Night. By Susanna Harrison, a young woman, under heavy afflictions. Eleventh Edition.
Conder, John Songs in the night; by a young woman under heavy afflictions. The sixth edition.
Conder, John Songs in the night; by a young woman under heavy afflictions. With a supplement. Fourth American edition.
Conder, John Songs in the Night. By Susanna Harrison, a young woman under heavy afflictions.
Conder, John Songs in the night: by a young woman under heavy afflictions.
Conder, John Songs in the night; by a young woman under heavy afflictions. Third edition, with some additions.
Conder, John Songs in the night; by a young woman under heavy afflictions. Second edition, with some additions.
Conder, John Songs in the Night. By Susanna Harrison, a young woman, under heavy afflictions.
Conder, Josiah The Associate Minstrels.
Constable, Archibald Letters of Anna Seward. Written between the years 1784 and 1807. In Six Volumes.
Cooper, Elizabeth The Muses Library; Or a series of English poetry, from the Saxons, to the Reign of King Charles II. Containing, The Lives and Characters of all the known Writers in that Interval, the Names of their Patrons; Complete Episodes, by way of Specimen of the larger Pieces, very near the intire Works of some, and large Quotations from others. Being A General Collection of almost all the old valuable Poetry extant, now so industriously enquir'd after, tho' rarely to be found, but in the Studies of the Curious, and affording Entertainment on all Subjects, Philosophical, Historical, Moral, Satyrical, Allegorical, Critical, Heroick, Pastoral, Gallant, Amorous, Courtly, and Sublime, By Langland, Gower, Chaucer, Lidgate, Occleve, Harding, Barclay, Fabian, Skelton, Howard Earl of Surrey, Sir T. Wyat, Dr. Bourd, Sackville Earl of Dorset, Churchyard, Higgens, Warner, Gascoign, Turberville, Nash, Sir Philip Sidney, Grevill L. Brook, Spencer, Sir John Harrington, Chalkhill, Fairfax, Sir John Davis, Sir W. Raleigh, Sir Edw. Dyer, Daniel, &c.