Songs in the night; with the supplement. By a young woman, under heavy affliction for twelve years. To which is added, A remarkable scene in the author's life. Sixth American edition.
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Harrison, Susannah. Songs in the night; with the supplement. By a young woman, under heavy affliction for twelve years. To which is added, A remarkable scene in the author's life. Sixth American edition.The Women's Print History Project, 2019, title ID 17775, Accessed 2025-03-31.
Harrison, Susannah. Songs in the night; with the supplement. By a young woman, under heavy affliction for twelve years. To which is added, A remarkable scene in the author's life. Sixth American edition. Philadelphia: William W. Woodward, 1821.
@book{ wphp_17775 author={Harrison,Susannah}, year={1821}, title={Songs in the night; with the supplement. By a young woman, under heavy affliction for twelve years. To which is added, A remarkable scene in the author's life. Sixth American edition.}, publisher={William W. Woodward}, address={Philadelphia}, }
Suggestions and Comments for Songs in the night; with the supplement. By a young woman, under heavy affliction for twelve years. To which is added, A remarkable scene in the author's life. Sixth American edition.