Name Engraver

The person responsible for turning an illustration into an engraving.


Displaying 1–25 of 1140

Person Title
A., C. The happy grandmother. By Mrs. Child. ; To which is added The white palfrey
A., E. Sketches of natural history. By Mary Howitt
Akin, James Essay on Irish bulls. By Richard Lovell Edgeworth, and Maria Edgeworth, Author of Castle Rackrent, &c.
Akin, James Lessons for children, from two to five years old. Adorned with cuts engraved by James Akin.
Akin, James Lessons for children Part II. From four to five years old. : Adorned with cuts engraved by James Akin
Akin, James Lessons for children Part II. From four to five years old. Adorned with cuts engraved by James Akin.
Allen, George A survey of the River Thames from London: and of the River Medway from Rochester, to the Nore. Engraved by George Allen, no. 19, Shoe Lane
Anderson, Alexander The good child's little hymn book.
Anderson, Alexander Old Poz. By Miss Edgeworth.
Anderson, Alexander The History of Fortunio, and His Famous Companions. Also, The Wishes, an Arabian Tale. Adorned with Plates.
Anderson, Alexander The two lambs, an allegorical history, by the author of Margaret Whyte, &c.
Anderson, Alexander Rural scenes, or, A peep into the country, for children
Anderson, Alexander The White Pigeon. By Miss Edgeworth
Anderson, Alexander Hymns in prose, for children. By Mrs. Barbauld. Adorned with cuts.
Anderson, Alexander Simple stories, in words of one syllable, for little boys and girls. By the author of "Stories of Old Daniel
Anderson, Alexander The children in the wood. To which is added, My mother's grave, a pathetic story
Anderson, Alexander Original poems, for infant minds. By several young persons. ; [Four lines of verse from Watts
Anderson, Alexander Spring flowers; or, Easy lessons, for young children. In words not exceeding two syllables
Anderson, Alexander Barring Out. By Miss Edgeworth. (Munroe & Francis' Edition.)
Anderson, Alexander Old Grand-papa, and other poems, for the instruction and amusement of children.
Anderson, Alexander Simple truths in verse, for the amusement and instruction of children, at an early age. By Mary Belson, author of "Innocent poetry,"--"Grateful tributes,"--&c. &c
Anderson, Alexander Poetic tales, for children. By the authoress of "Stories for children, by Goody Lovechild, and Ditties for children, by a lady of Boston."
Anderson, Alexander Ennui. A tale, by Maria Edgeworth.
Anderson, Alexander The Farm-Yard Journal, Also, the Histories of the Cat and Mouse. Ornamented with Plates
Anderson, Alexander The life of Mrs. Isabella Graham abridged for the use of Sabbath schools, by her daughter Mrs. Joanna Bethune