Name Introducer

 The person who composed the introduction or any prefatory material for the work. Must be a different person than the author.


Displaying 1–25 of 127

Person Title
A. N. A Memoir of Miss Hannah Adams, Written by Herself. With Additional Notices, by a Friend.
Aikin, Lucy Memoirs of the Life of Anne Boleyn, Queen of Henry VII. By Miss Benger, author of the Memoirs of Mrs. Elizabeth Hamilton, John Tobin, &c. Third edition. With a memoir of the author, by Miss Aikin.
Astell, Mary Letters of the Right Honourable Lady Mary Wortley Montague written during her travels in Europe, Asia, and Africa. Which contain, among other curious relations, accounts of the policy and manners of the Turks. Drawn from sources that have been inaccessible to other travellers. A new edition. In two volumes.
Barbauld, Anna Laetitia Selections from the Spectator, Tatler, Guardian and Freeholder, with a Preliminary Essay, by Anna Letitia Barbauld
Barclay, Robert Gründe für die Nothwendigkeit eines stillen Harrens, beym öffentlichen Gottesdienst. Welchem beygefügt sind verschiedene Anführungen aus Robert Barclays Schutzschrift oder Vertheidigung. Von Mary Brook.
Barton, Bernard Bible letters for children. By Lucy Barton; with introductory verses by Bernard Barton.
Boileau, Mr. D. Matilda and Malek Adhel, the Saracen: a Crusade Romance. The Second Edition, Corrected. To which is prefixed a Memoir of the Life of the Authoress, by Mr. D. Boileau
Brunton, Alexander Emmeline. With Some Other Pieces. By Mary Brunton, Author of Self-Control, and Discipline. To which is prefixed a memoir of her life, including some extracts from her correspondence. Second Edition.
Brunton, Alexander Emmeline. With Some Other Pieces. By Mary Brunton, Author of Self-Control, and Discipline. To which is prefixed a memoir of her life, including some extracts from her correspondence.
Bull, William Poems, translated from the French of Madame de La Mothe Guion, by the late William Cowper, Esq. author of The task. To which are added some original poems of Mr. Cowper, not inserted in his works.
Cappe, Catharine Discourses chiefly on devotional subjects, by the late Rev. Newcome Cappe. To which are prefixed memoirs of his life, by Catharine Cappe. With an appendix, containing a sermon preached at the interment of the author, by the late Rev. William Wood. From the Second English Edition
Carey, Mathew Carey's general atlas, improved and enlarged [cartographic material] being a collection of maps of the world and quarters, their principal empires, kingdoms, &c.
Colman, George (the younger) I'll Tell You What. A Comedy, in five acts, as it is performed at the Theatre Royal, Haymarket. By Mrs. Inchbald.
Day, Mahlon Book of Stories; or, Allegorical Instruction and Entertainment for Children from Animated Creation.
Day, Mahlon Book of Stories; or, Allegorical Instruction and Entertainment for Children from Animated Creation.
Doddridge, Philip The friendly instructer: Or, A companion for young masters and misses. In which their duty to God, and their parents, their carriage to superiors and inferiors, and several other very useful and instructive lessons are recommended, in plain and familiar dialogues. By a lady. Very suitable for Sunday Schools.
Doddridge, Philip The friendly instructor; or, A companion for young ladies, and young gentlemen: in which their duty to God and their parents, their carriage to superiors and inferiors, and several other very useful and instructive lessons are recommended in plain and familiar dialogues. By a pious lady. Recommended by the Rev. P. Doddridge, D.D. The first Hartford, from the fifth London edition.
Doddridge, Philip The friendly instructor: Or, A companion for young ladies and young gentlemen. In which their duty to God, and their parents, their carriage to superiors and inferiors, and several other very useful and instructive lessons are recommended, in plain and familiar dialogues. By a lady.
Doddridge, Philip The friendly instructor: Or, A companion for young masters and misses. In which their duty to God and their parents, their carriage to superiors and inferiors, and several other very useful and instructive lessons are recommended, in plain and familiar dialogues. By a lady.
Doddridge, Philip The friendly instructer: or, A companion for young masters and misses. In which their duty to God, and their parents, their carriage to superiors and inferiors, and several other very useful and instructive lessons are recommended, in plain and familiar dialogues. By a lady.
Eaton, Peter Miscellaneous writings of Ruby Foster, who died in Andover, Mass. August 5th, 1812, in the 21st year of her age. Selected from her diary, other private papers, and letters to her friends.
Edgeworth, Maria Cottage Dialogues Among the Irish Peasantry. By Mary Leadbeater. With Notes and a Preface by Maria Edgeworth, author of Castle Rackrent, &c.
Edgeworth, Maria Cottage Dialogues among the Irish Peasantry. By Mary Leadbeater. With Notes and a Preface by Maria Edgeworth, author of Castle Rackrent, &c.
Edgeworth, Maria Moral Tales for Young People. By Maria Edgeworth, Author of Practical Education, &c.
Edgeworth, Maria Cottage Dialogues Among the Irish Peasantry. By Mary Leadbeater. With notes and illustrations.