The friendly instructer: Or, A companion for young masters and misses. In which their duty to God, and their parents, their carriage to superiors and inferiors, and several other very useful and instructive lessons are recommended, in plain and familiar dialogues. By a lady. Very suitable for Sunday Schools.
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Harrison, Elizabeth. The friendly instructer: Or, A companion for young masters and misses. In which their duty to God, and their parents, their carriage to superiors and inferiors, and several other very useful and instructive lessons are recommended, in plain and familiar dialogues. By a lady. Very suitable for Sunday Schools.The Women's Print History Project, 2019, title ID 17760, Accessed 2025-03-31.
Harrison, Elizabeth. The friendly instructer: Or, A companion for young masters and misses. In which their duty to God, and their parents, their carriage to superiors and inferiors, and several other very useful and instructive lessons are recommended, in plain and familiar dialogues. By a lady. Very suitable for Sunday Schools. Boston: 1818.
Harrison , E. (1818). The friendly instructer: or, a companion for young masters and misses. in which their duty to god, and their parents, their carriage to superiors and inferiors, and several other very useful and instructive lessons are recommended, in plain and familiar dialogues. by a lady. very suitable for sunday schools. Boston:
Harrison, Elizabeth. The friendly instructer: Or, A companion for young masters and misses. In which their duty to God, and their parents, their carriage to superiors and inferiors, and several other very useful and instructive lessons are recommended, in plain and familiar dialogues. By a lady. Very suitable for Sunday Schools. Boston: 1818.
@book{ wphp_17760 author={Harrison,Elizabeth}, year={1818}, title={The friendly instructer: Or, A companion for young masters and misses. In which their duty to God, and their parents, their carriage to superiors and inferiors, and several other very useful and instructive lessons are recommended, in plain and familiar dialogues. By a lady. Very suitable for Sunday Schools.}, publisher={}, address={Boston}, }
Suggestions and Comments for The friendly instructer: Or, A companion for young masters and misses. In which their duty to God, and their parents, their carriage to superiors and inferiors, and several other very useful and instructive lessons are recommended, in plain and familiar dialogues. By a lady. Very suitable for Sunday Schools.