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Eighteenth Century Collections Online contains over 180,000 titles (200,000 volumes) and more than 32 million pages, making ECCO the premier and irreplaceable resource for eighteenth-century research. 


Eighteenth Century Collections Online. Gale,


Displaying 4101–4125 of 4187

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
25570 Tryal of Father John-Baptist Girard, on an accusation of quietism, sorcery, incest, abortion and subornation before the Great Chamber of Parlement at Aix, at the instance of Miss Mary-Catherine Cadiere. Containing, I. Minutes of each of the Cases, as they were taken for the Use of the Judges. II. The Speech of the President at the Opening of the Proceedings. III. The Speech of the President at the Opening of the Proceedings. IV. The Examination of the several Witnesses. V. The Interrogatory of Father Girard. VI. The Harangue of his Advocate in his Defence. VII. The Confrontation of Father Girard and Miss Cadiere. VIII. The Reply of M. Chandon to all urged in the Defence. IX. The Recapitulation of Monsieur, the President, and his pronouncing the Definitive Judgment of that Assembly, &c. With a preface by Monsieur C----, a learned Refugee at the Hague. Girard , Jean-Baptiste
John Isted (London)
Thomas Astley (London)
Elizabeth Nutt [Royal Exchange] (London)
Anne Dodd I (London)
John Jolliffe (London)
24150 Tully's two essays of old age, and of friendship. With his stoical paradoxes, and Scipio's dream. Render'd into English by Samuel Parker, Gent. Cicero , Marcus Tullius
George Sawbridge II (London)
6836 Twas yes, kind Sir. A new song. Wrighten , Mary Ann
s.n. [sine nomine]
14673 Twelve Delightful Novels, Displaying the Stratagems of Love and Gallantry; Giving An Account of the various Accidents, Intrigues and Events, which have happen'd to several Persons in pursuance of their Amorous Inclinations. Very Entertaining for Gentlemen, Ladies and others in their vacant Hours. Namely, 1. The Honourable Infidelity. 2. The Lucky Misfortune. 3. The Cruel Fair One. 4. The Unparallel'd Friendship. 5. The Constant Couple. 6. The Loves of King Edgar. 7. The deluded Coxcombs. 8. The Two Alphonso's. 9. The Cheats of Mucio. 10. The Law of Divorce. 11. The Noble Recompence. 12. The grateful Robber. By a Person of Quality. Unknown ,
3206 Twelve poems translated into French; six in prose and six in verse, selected from the works of Miss Eliza. Carter. Intitled Poems on Several Occasions. By the Count de B****. Price 4s. on Fine Paper, and 2s. 6d. Common. Carter , Elizabeth
9841 Two Novels: In Letters. By the authors of Henry and Frances. In four volumes. Griffith , Richard
Griffin , Elizabeth
James Hoey, Senior (Dublin)
John Exshaw I [Dame Street] (Dublin)
James Potts (Dublin)
James Williams [5 Skinner Row] (Dublin)
Dillon Chamberlaine [Dame Street] (Dublin)
William Sleater I [Castle Street] (Dublin)
Peter Wilson [6 Dame Street] (Dublin)
Henry Saunders [High Street] (Dublin)
Hugh Boulter Grierson [Parliament Street] (Dublin)
12790 Two Novels: In Letters. By the authors of Henry and Frances. In four volumes. Griffin , Elizabeth
Griffith , Richard
Thomas Becket and P. A. De Hondt (London)
1686 Two penny-worth more of truth for a penny. Being a second letter from - Bull to Brother John. Jebb , Ann
1720 Two penny-worth more of truth for a penny. Being a second letter from - Bull to Brother John. The third edition. Jebb , Ann
1793 The Third Edition.
1760 Two penny-worth of truth for a penny; or a true state of facts: with an apology for Tom Bull in a letter to Brother John. Jebb , Ann
s.n. [sine nomine]
1689 Two penny-worth of truth for a penny; or a true state of facts: with an apology for Tom Bull in a letter to brother John. Second Edition. Jebb , Ann
s.n. [sine nomine]
1793 Second Edition.
1930 Two voyages to Sierra Leone, during the years 1791-2-3, in a series of letters, By Anna Maria Falconbridge. To which is added, a letter from the author, to Henry Thornton, Esq. M.P. and chairman of the Court of Directors of the Sierra Leone Company. Falconbridge , Anna Maria
21897 Tyronis thesaurus: or Entick's new Latin-English dictionary, designed for the use of grammar schools, and private education: containing all the words and phrases proper for reading the classic authors in both languages. A new edition, revised and corrected throughout. By William Crakelt, A. M. Rector Of Nursted And Ifield, In Kent. Crakelt , William
Entick , John
Thomas Norton Longman III (London)
Bedwell Law and Son (London)
Thomas Pote (London)
Charles Dilly (London)
George, George, and John Robinson (London)
Francis and Charles Rivington (London)
Ann Vernor and Thomas Hood [Birchin Lane] (London)
1796 A new edition, revised and corrected throughout.
2813 Une semaine d'une maison d'éducation de Londres: contenant des lectures tirées des Incas de M. Marmontel, dout le style est aussi pur que facile: des histoires agréables: et des dialogues entre l'auteur & ses elèves: Par Lesquels l'on voit leur Coeur, leur Esprit, & leur Raison, se former par Dégré. Par une dame de distinction. Unknown , [Woman]
25811 Universal benevolence: or, A demonstration of the goodness of revealed religion, in the scripture account of charity. Unknown ,
Henry Whitridge [Royal Exchange] (London)
Anne Dodd I (London)
5835 Unrighteous abuse detected and chastised, or, a vindication of innocence and integrity, being an answer to a virulent poem, intituled, The Protestant Association. By Maria De Fleury. Second edition. de Fleury , Maria
1781 Second edition.
6528 Vancenza; or, the dangers of credulity; a moral tale. In two volumes. By Mrs. M. Robinson, Author Of The Poems Of Laura Maria, Ainsi VA LA Monde, a Monody to the Memory of Sir J. Reynolds, &c. &c. The fourth edition. Robinson , Mary
1793 The fourth edition.
6245 Vancenza; or, The dangers of credulity. By Mrs. M. Robinson, authoress of the poems of Laura Maria, Ainsi Va le Monde, &c. Robinson , Mary
James Moore [Dublin] (Dublin)
William Jones I [Dame Street] (Dublin)
Patrick Byrne I [Grafton Street] (Dublin)
Patrick Wogan [Church Street] (Dublin)
Arthur Grueber [59 Dame Street] (Dublin)
John Jones [Grafton Street] (Dublin)
25585 Various discourses of the town, concerning impeachments Unknown ,
Anne Dodd I (London)
22110 Verses address'd to the imitator of the first satire of the second book of Horace. By a lady. Montagu , Mary Wortley
Anne Dodd I (London)
24509 Verses address'd to the imitator of the first satire of the second book of Horace. By a lady. Montagu , Mary Wortley
Anne Dodd I (London)
23313 Verses congratulatory, on the Happy Marriage of the right honourable the Lady Diana Spencer with the Lord John Russel. By Elizabeth Boyd. Boyd , Elizabeth
25593 Verses inscribed to the Right Honourable Humphry Parsons, Esq; Lord Mayor elect; of The Most Opulent City of London. By His Most Devoted, Humble Servant, J. W. W. , J.
2775 Verses on the present state of Ireland. By Lady L---n. Bingham , Margaret
2276 Verses sent to Lady Charles Spencer with a painted taffety, occasioned by saying she was low in pocket and could not buy a new gown. Grenville-Temple , Anne