Name American Antiquarian Society
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The American Antiquarian Society is a national research library of American history and culture through 1876 which has been sharing American stories for more than two hundred years.


American Antiquarian Society.

Titles 5770
Firms 15
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Displaying 2876–2900 of 5770

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
21123 On the penitentiary system in the United States, and its application in France; with an appendix on penal colonies, and also, statistical notes. By G. de Beaumont and A. de Toqueville [i.e., de Tocqueville], counsellors in the Royal Court of Paris, and members of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. ; Translated from the French, with an introduction, notes and additions. By Francis Lieber 1833
16144 Onesimus; or, The run-away servant converted. A true story. More , Hannah
20987 Onomasia: or, Philadelphia vocabulary, with the signs of quantity; comprising, Sententiae pueriles, Catonis disticha, Collectiones poeticae selectae, Materia medica, A sketch of mythology, with a very concise account of some of the heathen deities, heroes and heroines, ancient cities, countries, and distinguished persons, especially of those in Greece and Rome. : To which is added, an extract from Dr. Charles Nisbet's first address to the students of Dickinson College. By James Ross, M.A. professor of the Latin and Greek languages, in North Fourth Street, Philadelphia 1822
21775 Oratio inauguralis habita in sacello Collegii Yalensis, quod est Novo-Portu Connecticuttensium, in Nov' Anglia, VIII. Id. Quintil. M.DCC.LXXVIII. Quum, autoritate senatus academici, Ezra Stiles, S.S. T.D. praeses academiae ejusdem, et in eadem historiae ecclesiasticae professor; praepositus et constitutus fuit. Oratore praeside 1778
16681 Oration on female education, by Daniel Bryan; delivered before the visitors and students of the Female Academy in Harrisonburg August 4th, 1815. Bryan , Daniel
Aikin , Lucy
16145 Order of exercises at the celebration of the one hundredth anniversary of the establishment of St. John's Lodge No. 1, Portsmouth, N.H., June 24, A.L. 5836 1836
18499 Order of exercises for the anniversary of the Merrimack Humane Society. September 6, 1808. Morton , Sarah Wentworth
16148 Order of Exercises on the Fifty-Eighth Anniversary of the Newburyport Artillery Company. July 4, 1836. Gould , Hannah Flagg
16146 Order of exercises, at the celebration of the second century from the settlement of Dorchester.......June 17, 1830 1830
16147 Order of exercises, at the second centennial celebration of the settlement of Concord. Sept. 12, 1835 1835
18476 Order of performances at the anniversary meeting of the Massachusetts Temperance Society, in St. Paul's Church, Friday, May 30, 1834 1834
17438 Order of performances at the Boylston Hall, Oct. 11, 1820, being the annual meeting of the Fatherless and Widow's Society. Rowson , Susanna
17973 Order of performances at the Chapel Church on the 24th anniversary of the Massachusetts Humane Society, June 13, 1809. Belknap , Jeremy
Morton , Sarah Wentworth
Watts , Isaac
16883 Order of performances of the Charlestown Lyceum, on the second centennial anniversary of the landing of Gov. Winthrop in Charlestown 1830
17974 Order of performances on the 22d aniversary [sic] of the Massachusetts Humane Society. Morton , Sarah Wentworth
16149 Order of public services at the designation of missionaries to Burmah and Siam. Baldwin Place, June 29, 1834 1834
17924 Order of services at the anniversary of the Howard Benevolent Society, at the Old South Church. January 18, 1832 1832
16150 Order of services at the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the Battle of Lexington. Monday, April 20, 1835 1835
16586 Order of services at the twenty-first anniversary of the Boston Female Asylum, celebrated in the First Church--Chauncey Place, September 21, 1821 Barbauld , Anna Laetitia
White , Henry Kirke
21188 Ordinances of the City Council of Charleston, in the state of South-Carolina. Passed since the incorporation of the city. Collected and revised by T. Ford, Esquire ... To which are prefixed, the act of the General Assembly for incorporating the city, and the subsequent acts to explain and amend the same 1789
21533 Ordinances of the corporation of the city of Philadelphia. Passed since the eighth day of January, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-four. : Published under the authority of the Councils 1825
16354 Original compositions, in prose and verse. On subjects moral and religious. by Miss J. Fenno, of Boston. Ames , Jane
16353 Original Compositions, in Prose and Verse. On Subjects Moral and Religious. By Miss. J. Fenno, of Boston Ames , Jane
20122 Original hymns for Sabbath schools: By the authors of "Hymns for infant minds," "Original poems," &c Taylor (later Gilbert) , Ann
Taylor , Jane
Oliver Dudley Cooke (Hartford)
20123 Original hymns for Sabbath schools: By the authors of "Hymns for infant minds," "Original poems," &c Taylor , Jane
Ezekiel Parker Walton (Montpelier)