Name American Antiquarian Society
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The American Antiquarian Society is a national research library of American history and culture through 1876 which has been sharing American stories for more than two hundred years.


American Antiquarian Society.


Displaying 1876–1900 of 5770

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
21176 Historical sketch of, and remarks upon congressional caucuses for president & vice-president. From the olive branch. Published by the Author. Carey , Mathew
18158 Historical sketches for juvenile minds, ornamented with engravings. Written by a lady. Unknown , [Woman]
17166 History of Cosmopolite; or The four volumes of Lorenzo's journal, concentrated in one: containing his experience and travels, from childhood, to near his fortieth year. : Also, his polemical writings; consisting of 1. His Chain, with five links, two hooks and a swivel. 2. Reflections on matrimony. 3. Analects upon the rights of man. 4. A journey from Babylon to Jerusalem. 5. Dialogue between the curious and singular. 6. Hints on the fulfilment of prophecy. 7. On church government, and the ministry, &c &c. : To which is added, the "Journey of life," by Peggy Dow. Third Edition, Corrected and Enlarged. Dow , Lorenzo
Dow , Peggy
1816 Third Edition, Corrected and Enlarged.
19648 History of Emily and her brothers. By Mrs. Sherwood, author of "Little Henry and his bearer," &c 1822
19647 History of Emily and her brothers. By Mrs. Sherwood, author of "Little Henry and his bearer," &c. First American Edition. Sherwood , Mary Martha
The Sunday and Adult School Union (Philadelphia)
1819 First American Edition.
19649 History of Emily and her brothers. By Mrs. Sherwood, author of Little Henry and his bearer, &c 1823
19459 History of England symbolically illustrated Rundall , Mary Ann
21327 History of England, from the first invasion by Julius Caesar, to the peace of Ghent; comprising every political event worthy of remembrance: a progressive view of religion, language, and manners; of men eminent for their virtue or their learning; their patriotism, eloquence, or philosophical research; of the introduction of manufactures, and of colonial establishments. With an interrogative index, for the use of schools. By William Grimshaw, author of The improved history of Rome. Grimshaw , William
Benjamin Warner [171 Market Street] (Philadelphia)
19652 History of Henry Fairchild and Charles Trueman. Sherwood , Mary Martha
The Sunday and Adult School Union (Philadelphia)
19654 History of Henry Fairchild and Charles Trueman. Revised by the Committee of Publication 1825
19655 History of Henry Fairchild and Charles Trueman. Revised by the Committee of Publication 1826
19656 History of Henry Fairchild and Charles Trueman. Revised by the Committee of Publication 1827
19653 History of Henry Fairchild, and Charles Trueman 1821
19678 History of little Henry and his bearer 1828
19679 History of little Henry and his bearer 1836
19686 History of little Henry and his bearer. Stereotyped by James Conner 1828
19791 History of Marcus Aurelius, Emperor of Rome. By Mrs. L.H. Sigourney 1836
17570 History of the Duchess of C****, who was confined in a dungeon under ground, by her unrelenting husband, whom she saw but once during her imprisonment of nine years, in which course of time she frequently suffered the severity of extreme hunger, thirst and cold. But happily, a few days before her tyrant's death, he disclosed the secret of her subterraneous abode to a friend; from which she was soon after released by her parents. from the French of Madame de Genlis. du Crest de Saint-Aubin , Stéphanie Félicité
Edward Johnson Coale (Baltimore)
20358 History of the rise, progress and termination of the American Revolution. Interspersed with biographical, political and moral observations. In three volumes. By Mrs. Mercy Warren, of Plymouth, (Mass.) Warren , Mercy Otis
Ebenezer Larkin (Boston)
21624 History of the United States, from their first settlement as English colonies, in 1607, to the year 1808, or the thirty-third of their sovereignty and independence. By David Ramsay, M.D. Continued to the Treaty of Ghent, by S.S. Smith, D.D. and L.L.D. and other literary gentlemen. In three volumes. Ramsay , David
Mathew Carey [121 Chesnut Street] (Philadelphia)
21625 History of the United States, from their first settlement as English colonies, in 1607, to the year 1808; or, the thirty-third of their sovereignty and independence. By David Ramsay, M.D. Continued to the Treaty of Ghent, by S.S. Smith, D.D. and L.L.D. and other literary gentlemen. In three volumes. Second edition, revised and corrected. Ramsay , David
M. Carey and Son [126 Chestnut Street] (Philadelphia)
1818 Second edition, revised and corrected.
20498 History of the United States, or Republic of America: exhibited in connexion with its chronology and progressive geography; by means of a series of maps: the first of which, shows the country as inhabited by various tribes of Indians at the time of its discovery; and the remainder, its state at different subsequent epochas; so arranged, as to associate the principal events of the history and their dates with the places in which they occurred; arranged on the plan of teaching history adopted in Troy Female Seminary. : Designed for schools and private libraries. By Emma Willard, principal of Troy Female Seminary 1830
20496 History of the United States, or, Republic of America: designed for schools and private libraries. Emma Willard, principal of Troy Female Seminary 1834
20497 History of the United States, or, Republic of America: exhibited in connexion with its chronology & progressve [sic] geography; by means of a series of maps: the first of which, shows the country as inhabited by various tribes of Indians at the time of its discovery, and the remainder, its state at different subsequent epochas; so arranged, as to associate the principal events of the history and their dates with the places in which they occurred: arranged on the plan of teaching history adopted in Troy Female Seminary. : Designed for schools and private libraries. Offered to the public by Emma Willard, principal of Troy Female Seminary 1828
19738 Ho mikros Henrikos kai ho phoreus tou. Hupo mias anglides 1829