Name British Book Trade Index
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The BBTI aims to include brief biographical and trade details of all those who worked in the English and Welsh book trades up to 1851. The index includes not only printers, publishers and booksellers but also other related trades, such as stationers, papermakers, engravers, auctioneers, ink-makers and sellers of medicines, so that the book trade can be studied in the context of allied trades. 


 British Book Trade Index. University of Oxford,

Titles 1
Firms 1020
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Displaying 726–750 of 1020

ID Name Street Address City Start Date End Date
8122 Robert Baldwin the Bible and Crown, against Stationers Hall, near Ludgate London (GB) 1969 1969
576 Robert Baldwin and Charles Cradock 47 Paternoster Row London (GB) 1969 1969
287 Robert Baldwin I 47 The Rose, Paternoster Row London (GB) 1969 1969
3832 Robert Baldwin III 47 Paternoster Row London (GB) 1969 1969
56 Robert Baldwin, Charles Cradock, and William Joy 47 Paternoster Row London (GB) 1969 1969
6173 Robert Birchall 133 New Bond Street London (GB) 1969 1969
6020 Robert Clavel Peacock in Fleet Street London (GB) 1969 1969
7517 Robert Cruttenden Bible and Three Crowns near Mercers' Chapel in Cheapside London (GB) 1969 1969
3894 Robert Davis Corner of Sackville Street, Piccadilly London (GB) 1969 1969
8343 Robert Davy Near the Bull, St. Giles' Gates Norwich (GB) 1969 1969
1229 Robert Dodsley Pall Mall London (GB) 1969 1969
7021 Robert Goadby [Bath] opposite Morgan's Coffeehouse Bath (GB)
6677 Robert Gosling Crown and Mitre, Fleet Street at the Middle Temple Gate London (GB) 1969 1969
5675 Robert Greenlaw 39 Chichester Place London (GB) 1969 1969
5554 Robert Hall Westley 201 opposite St Clement's Church, Strand; 159 opposite New Church, Strand London (GB) 1969 1969
7185 Robert Halsey Plough and Harrow near St. Michael’s Church in Cornhill Cornhill (GB) 1969 1969
8067 Robert Havell
7061 Robert Henry Kelham High Street Chelmsford (GB) 1969 1969
6075 Robert Jennings 62 Cheapside London (GB) 1969 1969
6711 Robert Knaplock Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard London (GB) 1969 1969
4556 Robert Ogle 5 Great Turnstile, Holborn London (GB) 1969
3908 Robert Ogle [Great Turnstile] 5 Great Turnstile, Holborn London (GB) 1969 1969
669 Robert Ogle [Holborn] 295 Holborn London (GB) 1969 1969
5786 Robert Ogle, James Duncan and Co. 37 Paternoster Row London (GB) 1969 1969
1061 Robert Ogle, James Duncan and Cochran Paternoster Row London (GB) 1969 1969