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Unknown. Choice Scraps, Historical and Biographical, Consisting of Pleasing Stories and Diverting Anecdotes, Most of them short to prevent their being tiresome. Comprehending much useful information and innocent amusement. For young minds. Embellished with copper-plate cuts.The Women's Print History Project, 2019, title ID 12123, Accessed 2025-03-11.

@book{ wphp_12123
  title={Choice Scraps, Historical and Biographical, Consisting of Pleasing Stories and Diverting Anecdotes, Most of them short to prevent their being tiresome. Comprehending much useful information and innocent amusement. For young minds. Embellished with copper-plate cuts.},
  publisher={Elizabeth Newbery},
  address={London},    }

Suggestions and Comments for Choice Scraps, Historical and Biographical, Consisting of Pleasing Stories and Diverting Anecdotes, Most of them short to prevent their being tiresome. Comprehending much useful information and innocent amusement. For young minds. Embellished with copper-plate cuts.
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