Clara Newgent: or, The progress of improvement. A tale. By the author of "Black velvet bracelet," "Annette Warington," &c. &c
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Cleveland, Lucy Hiller Lambert. Clara Newgent: or, The progress of improvement. A tale. By the author of "Black velvet bracelet," "Annette Warington," &c. &cThe Women's Print History Project, 2019, title ID 16973, Accessed 2025-02-08.
Cleveland, Lucy H. L. Clara Newgent: or, The progress of improvement. A tale. By the author of "Black velvet bracelet," "Annette Warington," &c. &c. Boston: B. H. Greene, 1833.
@book{ wphp_16973 author={Cleveland,Lucy Hiller Lambert}, year={1833}, title={Clara Newgent: or, The progress of improvement. A tale. By the author of "Black velvet bracelet," "Annette Warington," &c. &c}, publisher={B. H. Greene \& }, address={Boston}, }
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