The little gipsy-girl, or Universal fortune-teller. With charms and ceremonies for knowing future events. By Margaret Finch, queen of the gipsies.
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Finch, Margaret. The little gipsy-girl, or Universal fortune-teller. With charms and ceremonies for knowing future events. By Margaret Finch, queen of the gipsies.The Women's Print History Project, 2019, title ID 17472, Accessed 2025-03-31.
Finch, Margaret. The little gipsy-girl, or Universal fortune-teller. With charms and ceremonies for knowing future events. By Margaret Finch, queen of the gipsies. United States: The Travelling Book-Sellers, 1814.
Finch , M. (1814). The little gipsy-girl, or universal fortune-teller. with charms and ceremonies for knowing future events. by margaret finch, queen of the gipsies. United States: The Travelling Book-Sellers.
Finch, Margaret. The little gipsy-girl, or Universal fortune-teller. With charms and ceremonies for knowing future events. By Margaret Finch, queen of the gipsies. United States: The Travelling Book-Sellers, 1814.
@book{ wphp_17472 author={Finch,Margaret}, year={1814}, title={The little gipsy-girl, or Universal fortune-teller. With charms and ceremonies for knowing future events. By Margaret Finch, queen of the gipsies.}, publisher={The Travelling Book-Sellers}, address={United States}, }
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