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Porter, Anna Maria. The fast of St. Magdalen, a romance. By Miss Anna Maria Porter.The Women's Print History Project, 2019, title ID 19080, Accessed 2024-09-07.

Porter, Anna Maria. The fast of St. Magdalen, a romance. By Miss Anna Maria Porter. New York: William B. Gilley, Charles Wiley & Co., 1819.

Porter , A.M. (1819). The fast of st. magdalen, a romance. by miss anna maria porter. New York: William B. Gilley. Charles Wiley & Co.

Porter, Anna M. The fast of St. Magdalen, a romance. By Miss Anna Maria Porter. New York: William B. Gilley, Charles Wiley & Co., 1819.

@book{ wphp_19080
  author={Porter,Anna Maria},
  title={The fast of St. Magdalen, a romance. By Miss Anna Maria Porter.},
  publisher={William B. Gilley \& Charles Wiley & Co. \& },
  address={New York},    }

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