Young Grandison. A series of letters from young persons to their friends. Translated from the Dutch of Madame Cambon. With alterations and improvements. In two volumes.
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van de Werken, Maria Geertruida. Young Grandison. A series of letters from young persons to their friends. Translated from the Dutch of Madame Cambon. With alterations and improvements. In two volumes.The Women's Print History Project, 2019,
title ID 5895,
@book{ wphp_5895 author={van de Werken,Maria Geertruida}, year={1790}, title={Young Grandison. A series of letters from young persons to their friends. Translated from the Dutch of Madame Cambon. With alterations and improvements. In two volumes.}, publisher={}, address={Dublin}, }
Suggestions and Comments for Young Grandison. A series of letters from young persons to their friends. Translated from the Dutch of Madame Cambon. With alterations and improvements. In two volumes.