The governess; or, little female academy. Being the history of Mrs. Teachum, and her nine girls. With their nine days amusement. Calculated for the entertainment and instruction of young ladies in their education. By the author of David Simple. The fourth edition.
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Fielding, Sarah. The governess; or, little female academy. Being the history of Mrs. Teachum, and her nine girls. With their nine days amusement. Calculated for the entertainment and instruction of young ladies in their education. By the author of David Simple. The fourth edition.The Women's Print History Project, 2019, title ID 7487, Accessed 2024-11-21.
Fielding, Sarah. The governess; or, little female academy. Being the history of Mrs. Teachum, and her nine girls. With their nine days amusement. Calculated for the entertainment and instruction of young ladies in their education. By the author of David Simple. The fourth edition. Dublin: Richard James I, Abraham Bradley [Dame Street], 1752.
Fielding , S. (1752). The governess; or, little female academy. being the history of mrs. teachum, and her nine girls. with their nine days amusement. calculated for the entertainment and instruction of young ladies in their education. by the author of david simple. the fourth edition. Dublin: Richard James I. Abraham Bradley [Dame Street]
Fielding, Sarah. The governess; or, little female academy. Being the history of Mrs. Teachum, and her nine girls. With their nine days amusement. Calculated for the entertainment and instruction of young ladies in their education. By the author of David Simple. The fourth edition. Dublin: Richard James I, Abraham Bradley [Dame Street], 1752.
@book{ wphp_7487 author={Fielding,Sarah}, year={1752}, title={The governess; or, little female academy. Being the history of Mrs. Teachum, and her nine girls. With their nine days amusement. Calculated for the entertainment and instruction of young ladies in their education. By the author of David Simple. The fourth edition.}, publisher={Richard James I \& Abraham Bradley [Dame Street]}, address={Dublin}, }
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