ID 1005
Name John Bell [132 Strand]
Gender Unknown
Street Address British Library, 132 Strand
City London
Start Date 1768
End Date 1795


Displaying 26–50 of 57

Firm Role Title Contributors Date
Publisher The peruvian; a comic opera, in three acts. As performed at the Theatre Royal Covent-Garden. By a lady. The music chiefly composed by Mr. Hook. Second edition. Unknown , [Woman] (Author)
Publisher The peruvian; a comic opera, in three acts. As performed at the Theatre Royal Covent-Garden. By a lady. The music chiefly composed by Mr. Hook. Third edition. Unknown , [Woman] (Author)
Publisher An address to the public, by The Honble Lady Hill; setting forth The Consequences of the late Sir John Hill's Acquaintance with The Earl of Bute. Hill , Henrietta (Author)
Publisher The poetry of Anna Matilda. Containing A tale for jealousy, The funeral, her correspondence with Della Crusca, and several other poetical pieces. To which are added Recollections, printed from an original manuscript, written by General Sir William Waller. Waller , William (Author)
Cowley , Hannah (Author)
Publisher The Poetry of the World. Containing the Poems of Della Crusca, Anna Matilda, Ambitious Vengeance; A Tragic Drama, &c. &c. &c. Merry , Robert (Author)
Robinson , Mary (Author)
Cowley , Hannah (Author)
and 1 more.
Printer Ainsi va le monde, a poem. Inscribed to Robert Merry, ... By Laura Maria. Robinson , Mary (Author)
Printer Ainsi va le monde, a poem. Inscribed to Robert Merry, Esq. A. M. Member of the Royal Academy of Florence; and, Author of the Laurel of Liberty and the Della Crusca Poems. By Laura Maria. Second Edition. Robinson , Mary (Author)
Printer The British Album. Containing the Poems of Della Crusca, Anna Matilda, Arley, Benedict, the Bard, &c. &c. &c. which were originally published under the Title of the Poetry of the World. Revised and corrected by their Respective Authors. Second Edition. Also, a poem, never before printed, called The Interview, by Della Crusca. and Other Considerable Additions. Merry , Robert (Author)
Robinson , Mary (Author)
Cowley , Hannah (Author)
and 1 more.
Printer The British Album. Containing the Poems of Della Crusca, anna Matilda, Laura, Arley, Benedict, Cesario, the Bard, &c. &c. &c. Revised and Corrected by their Respective Authors. Third edition. Merry , Robert (Author)
Robinson , Mary (Author)
Cowley , Hannah (Author)
and 1 more.
Publisher The British Album. Containing the Poems of Della Crusca, Anna Matilda, Arley, Benedict, the Bard, &c. &c. &c. which were originally published under the Title of the Poetry of the World. Revised and corrected by their Respective Authors. Second Edition. Also, a poem, never before printed, called The Interview, by Della Crusca. and Other Considerable Additions. Merry , Robert (Author)
Robinson , Mary (Author)
Cowley , Hannah (Author)
and 1 more.
Publisher The British Album. Containing the Poems of Della Crusca, anna Matilda, Laura, Arley, Benedict, Cesario, the Bard, &c. &c. &c. Revised and Corrected by their Respective Authors. Third edition. Merry , Robert (Author)
Robinson , Mary (Author)
Cowley , Hannah (Author)
and 1 more.
Printer A bold stroke for a wife. A comedy. By Mrs. Centlivre. Adapted for theatrical representation, as performed at the Theatres-Royal, Drury-Lane and Covent-Garden. Regulated from the prompt-books, ... Centlivre , Susanna (Author)
Printer Impartial reflections on the present situation of the Queen of France; by a friend to humanity. Robinson , Mary (Author)
Printer Poems by Mrs. M. Robinson. Robinson , Mary (Author)
Publisher A bold stroke for a wife. A comedy, by Mrs. Centlivre. Adapted for theatrical representation, as performed at the Theatres-Royal, Drury-Lane and Covent-Garden. Regulated from the prompt-books, by permission of the managers. Centlivre , Susanna (Author)
Publisher The Busy Body. A Comedy. By Mrs. Centlivre. Adapted for theatrical representation, as performed at the Theatres-Royal, Drury-Lane and Covent-Garden. Regulated from the prompt-books, by permission of the managers. Centlivre , Susanna (Author)
Bookseller Vancenza; or, the dangers of credulity. In two volumes. By Mrs. M. Robinson, authoress of the poems of Laura Maria, Ainsi va la Monde, &c. &c. The Second Edition. Robinson , Mary (Author)
Bookseller Vancenza; or, the dangers of credulity. In two volumes. By Mrs. M. Robinson, authoress of the poems of Laura Maria, Ainsi va le monde, &c. &c. Robinson , Mary (Author)
Bookseller Vancenza; or, the dangers of credulity. In two volumes. By Mrs. M. Robinson, Authoress of the Poems of Laura Maria, Ainsi va le Monde, &c. &c. The Third Edition. Robinson , Mary (Author)
Printer Monody to the memory of Sir Joshua Reynolds, late President of the Royal Academy. &c. &c. &c. By Mrs. Mary Robinson. Robinson , Mary (Author)
Printer The discovery. A comedy, by Mrs. Frances Sheridan. Adapted for theatrical representation, as performed at the Theatres-Royal, Drury-Lane and Covent-Garden. Regulated from the prompt-books, by permission of the managers. Sheridan , Frances Chamberlaine (Author)
Printer The discovery. A comedy. By Mrs. Frances Sheridan. Adapted for theatrical representation, as performed at the Theatres-Royal Drury-Lane and Covent-Garden. Regulated from the prompt-books, ... Sheridan , Frances Chamberlaine (Author)
Publisher The Wonder a Woman Keeps a Secret! A Comedy, by Mrs. Centlivre. Adapted for theatrical representation, as performed at the Theatres-Royal, Drury-Lane and Covent-Garden. Regulated from the prompt-books, by permission of the managers. Centlivre , Susanna (Author)
Bookseller The religion of nature, a short discourse, Delivered before the national assembly at Paris, by Mons. le Curé of - on his resigning the priesthood. With a short address to the jurymen of Great Britain. By Bob Short. Barbauld , Anna Laetitia (Author)
Bookseller Vancenza; or, the dangers of credulity; a moral tale. In two volumes. By Mrs. M. Robinson, Author Of The Poems Of Laura Maria, Ainsi VA LA Monde, a Monody to the Memory of Sir J. Reynolds, &c. &c. The fourth edition. Robinson , Mary (Author)

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"John Bell [132 Strand]." The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Firm ID 1005, Accessed 2024-10-23.

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