ID 1204
Name Mary Cooper
Gender Female
Street Address 8 Paternoster Row
City London
Start Date 1736
End Date 1761
Related People Cooper [Publisher], Mary
Related Firms Mary Cooper [The Globe]


Displaying 26–50 of 105

Firm Role Title Contributors Date
Publisher The muse in good humour: or, A collection of the best poems, comic tales, choice fables, enigmas, &c. From the most eminent poets. With some originals. In two parts. Vol. II. Unknown , (Author)
Publisher The Stilton Hero: A Poem. Cooper [Publisher] , Mary (Publisher)
Bookseller A Christmas-box for masters and misses. Publish'd according to Act of Parliament. Collyer , Mary (Author)
Cooper [Publisher] , Mary (Bookseller)
Bookseller A parallel between the Roman and British constitution; Comprehending Polibius's Curious discourse of the Roman Senate; with a Copious Preface, wherein his Principles are applied to our Government. The whole calculated to restore the true Spirit of Liberty, and to explode Dependancy and Corruption. Addressed to The Young Members of the present Parliament. Amey , Margaret (Printer)
Amey , Margaret (Bookseller)
Amey , Matilda (Printer)
and 6 more.
Bookseller Musæus: a monody to the memory of Mr. Pope, in imitation of Milton's Lycidas. Mason , William (Author)
Bookseller Musæus: a monody to the memory of Mr. Pope, in imitation of Milton's Lycidas. Mason , William (Author)
Bookseller Musæus: a monody to the memory of Mr. Pope, in imitation of Milton's Lycidas. Mason , William (Author)
Bookseller New and correct lists of both Houses of Parliament: summoned to meet the 10th of November 1747. Containing, 1. A list of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, with the posts they hold under the government; the titles of their eldest sons, and their residence in town. 2. An alphabetical list of the lords, with their country seats. 3. Lists of the knights of the Garter, Thistle, and Bath; with a table of fees paid at their creation. 4. A list of the counties, boroughs, &c. In the order they are call'd over in the House; with the names of the members return'd for each, the places they possess, and their country seats. 5. An Alphabetical list of the members of the House of Commons, the place each is chosen for, and their residence in town. And an alphabetical list of the counties, cities, and boroughs, with the pages where their representatives are to be found; and several other useful particulars and distinctions throughout the whole: also, a list of members in the last parliament not in this. Carefully done by the compilers of the former lists and revis'd by several members of Parliament. Parliament of Great Britain , House of Commons (Author)
Parliament of Great Britain , House of Lords (Author)
Amey , Elizabeth (Bookseller)
and 7 more.
Printer A parallel between the Roman and British constitution; Comprehending Polibius's Curious discourse of the Roman Senate; with a Copious Preface, wherein his Principles are applied to our Government. The whole calculated to restore the true Spirit of Liberty, and to explode Dependancy and Corruption. Addressed to The Young Members of the present Parliament. Amey , Margaret (Printer)
Amey , Margaret (Bookseller)
Amey , Matilda (Printer)
and 6 more.
Printer New and correct lists of both Houses of Parliament: summoned to meet the 10th of November 1747. Containing, 1. A list of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, with the posts they hold under the government; the titles of their eldest sons, and their residence in town. 2. An alphabetical list of the lords, with their country seats. 3. Lists of the knights of the Garter, Thistle, and Bath; with a table of fees paid at their creation. 4. A list of the counties, boroughs, &c. In the order they are call'd over in the House; with the names of the members return'd for each, the places they possess, and their country seats. 5. An Alphabetical list of the members of the House of Commons, the place each is chosen for, and their residence in town. And an alphabetical list of the counties, cities, and boroughs, with the pages where their representatives are to be found; and several other useful particulars and distinctions throughout the whole: also, a list of members in the last parliament not in this. Carefully done by the compilers of the former lists and revis'd by several members of Parliament. Parliament of Great Britain , House of Commons (Author)
Parliament of Great Britain , House of Lords (Author)
Amey , Elizabeth (Bookseller)
and 7 more.
Publisher Honour. A satire. By Mr. Whitehead. Whitehead , Paul (Author)
Cooper [Publisher] , Mary (Publisher)
Publisher Ovid’s Art of love paraphrased, and adapted to the present time. With notes. And a most correct edition of the original. Book I. Fielding , Henry (Author)
Dodd II , Anne (Publisher)
Cooper [Publisher] , Mary (Publisher)
Publisher Six town eclogues. With some other poems. By the Rt. Hon. L. M. W. M. Montagu , Mary Wortley (Author)
Cooper [Publisher] , Mary (Publisher)
Bookseller A proposal for relief and punishment of vagrants, particularly such as frequent the streets and publick places of resort, within this kingdom. Unknown , (Author)
Amey , Elizabeth (Publisher)
Cooper [Publisher] , Mary (Bookseller)
Bookseller An ode To The Right Honourable the Earl of Huntingdon. By Dr. Akinside. Akenside , Mark (Author)
Cooper [Publisher] , Mary (Bookseller)
Bookseller An ode to the Right Honourable the Earl of Huntingdon. By Dr. Akinside. Akenside , Mark (Author)
Bookseller Memoirs of the life and times, of Sir Thomas Deveil, Knight, one of His Majesty's justices of the peace, For the Counties of Middlesex, Essex, Surry and Hertfordshire, the City and Liberty of Westminster, the Tower of London, and the Liberties thereof, &c. Unknown , (Author)
Dodd II , Anne (Printer)
Cooper [Publisher] , Mary (Printer)
and 12 more.
Printer Memoirs of the life and times, of Sir Thomas Deveil, Knight, one of His Majesty's justices of the peace, For the Counties of Middlesex, Essex, Surry and Hertfordshire, the City and Liberty of Westminster, the Tower of London, and the Liberties thereof, &c. Unknown , (Author)
Dodd II , Anne (Printer)
Cooper [Publisher] , Mary (Printer)
and 12 more.
Publisher The life of Adam. Translated from Gio Francisco Loridano. To which is subjoyn'd, An essay towards an analysis of the human mind. Being, An Enquiry into the Original of our Ideas of Good and Evil, and the Nature, Rise, and Progress of the Passions, Habits, and Affections of the Human Soul. By Richard Murray, A. M. & J. U. B. Amey , Elizabeth (Publisher)
Dodd II , Anne (Publisher)
Cooke , Elizabeth (Publisher)
and 4 more.
Publisher The Northern Heroes; or, The Bloody Contest, Between Charles the Twelfth, King of Sweden, and Peter the Great, Czar of Muscovy. With the loves of Count Gillensternia, and the Princess Elimira. With a Comic Interlude, call'd The Volunteers; Or, the Adventures of Roderick Random, and his Friend Strap. Also, the comical amours of Corporal Garbage, and Serjeant Slim, with Mrs. Vanspriggen, the Sutler's Widow; the merry Pranks of her Son Janny, and many other diverting incidents. A new Historical Drama. As it is now acting, by a company of comedians from both the Theatres, at the Great Booth in the George Yard, in West-Smithfield. Cooper [Publisher] , Mary (Publisher)
Bookseller Jane Shore to the Duke of Gloster, an epistle. Unknown , (Author)
Bookseller The Small English atlas being a new and accurate sett of maps of all the counties in England and Wales. Cooper [Publisher] , Mary (Bookseller)
Unknown , (Author)
Bookseller The vanity of human wishes. The tenth satire of Juvenal, imitated by Samuel Johnson. Johnson , Samuel (Author)
Cooper [Publisher] , Mary (Bookseller)
Publisher The marchioness de Lambert's letters to her son and daughter, on true education, &c. &c. &c. Translated by Mr. Rowell. de Courcelles , Anne Thérèse de Marguenat (Author)
Rowell , J. (Translator)
Cooper [Publisher] , Mary (Publisher)
Bookseller An appendix to the Reverend Mr. John Shower's Practical reflections on the earthquakes that have happened in Europe and America, &c. Being a continuation of his account, and Practical Reflections, after his Manner, from the year 1693, down to these last shocks that were felt at London and Westminster, on February 8th and March 8th, 1749-50, with an Application, adapted to the present times, &c. Shower , John (Author)
Cooke , Elizabeth (Bookseller)
James , Elizabeth (Bookseller)
and 3 more.

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"Mary Cooper" The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Firm ID 1204, Accessed 2025-03-28.

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