ID 153
Name James Ballantyne and Co.
Gender Unknown
Street Address Paul's Work, Canongate
City Edinburgh
Start Date 1805
End Date 1832


Displaying 26–50 of 50

Firm Role Title Contributors Date
Printer Rome in the Nineteenth Century; Containing a Complete Account of the Ruins of the Ancient City, the Remains of the Middle Ages, and the Monuments of Modern Times. With Remarks on the Fine Arts, on the State of Society, and on the Religious Ceremonies, Manners, and Customs, of the Modern Romans. In a Series of Letters Written During a Residence at Rome, in the years 1817 and 1818. In Three Volumes. Eaton , Charlotte Anne (Author)
Printer Ballantyne's Novelist's Library Scott , Walter (Editor)
Fielding , Henry (Author)
Smollett , Tobias George (Author)
and 13 more.
Printer Rome in the Nineteenth Century; Containing a Complete Account of the Ruins of the Ancient City, the Remains of the Middle Ages, and the Monuments of Modern Times. With Remarks on the Fine Arts, on the State of Society, and on the Religious Ceremonies, Manners, and Customs, of the Modern Romans. In a Series of Letters Written During a Residence at Rome, in the years 1817 and 1818. In Three Volumes. Second Edition. Eaton , Charlotte Anne (Author)
Printer Rome in the Nineteenth Century; Containing a Complete Account of the Ruins of the Ancient City, the Remains of the Middle Ages, and the Monuments of Modern Times. With Remarks on the Fine Arts, on the State of Society, and on the Religious Ceremonies, Manners, and Customs, of the Modern Romans. In a Series of Letters Written During a Residence at Rome, in the years 1817 and 1818. In Three Volumes. Third Edition. Eaton , Charlotte Anne (Author)
Printer Specimens of British Poetry: Chiefly Selected from Authors of High Celebrity, and Interspersed with Original Writings. Scott , Elizabeth (Editor)
Printer St Johnstoun; or, John, Earl of Gowrie. In Three Volumes. Logan , Eliza (Author)
Printer Lays of the Lindsays; being Poems by the Ladies of the House of Balcarres. Barnard , Anne Lindsay (Author)
Lindsay , Elizabeth Scott (Author)
Burges , Margaret Lindsay Fordyce (Author)
Publisher Lays of the Lindsays; being Poems by the Ladies of the House of Balcarres. Barnard , Anne Lindsay (Author)
Lindsay , Elizabeth Scott (Author)
Burges , Margaret Lindsay Fordyce (Author)
Printer Auld Robin Gray; A Ballad. By the Right Honourable Lady Anne Barnard, Born Lady Anne Lindsay of Balcarras. Barnard , Anne Lindsay (Author)
Scott , Walter (Editor)
Printer Common Events: A Continuation of Rich and Poor. Walker , Anne (Author)
Printer The Inheritance. By the author of Marriage. In three volumes. The second edition. Ferrier , Susan Edmonstone (Author)
Printer Marriage. By the author of The Inheritance. In two volumes, the third edition. Ferrier , Susan Edmonstone (Author)
Printer Marriage. By the author of The Inheritance. In two volumes. Ferrier , Susan Edmonstone (Author)
Printer Rome in the Nineteenth Century; Containing a Complete Account of the Ruins of the Ancient City, the Remains of the Middle Ages, and the Monuments of Modern Times. With Remarks on the Fine Arts, on the State of Society, and on the Religious Ceremonies, Manners, and Customs, of the Modern Romans. In a Series of Letters Written During a Residence at Rome, in the years 1817 and 1818. In Three Volumes. Fourth Edition. Eaton , Charlotte Anne (Author)
Printer Solitary Hours: By the Authoress of Ellen Fitzarthur and The Widow's Tale. Bowles , Caroline (Author)
Printer A pairt of the life of Lady Margaret Cuninghame, daughter of the Earl of Glencairn, that she had with her first husband, the Master of Chandale. The just and true account thereof, as it was first written with her own hand; including a letter to her husband the Master of Evandale, and another to my Lady Marquess of Hamilton, with her last will sent to the said Lady Marquess, inclosed therein. Cunningham , Margaret (Author)
Sharpe , Charles Kirkpatrick (Editor)
Printer The Busy-Bodies; A Novel. By the authors of "The Odd Volume." In three volumes. Corbett , Marion (Author)
Corbett , Margaret (Author)
Printer The Odd Volume. Second Series. Corbett , Marion (Author)
Corbett , Margaret (Author)
Printer The Odd Volume. Third Edition. Corbett , Marion (Author)
Corbett , Margaret (Author)
Printer Tales and Legends. By the authors of "The Odd Volume," &c. In three volumes. Corbett , Marion (Author)
Corbett , Margaret (Author)
Printer Tales of the Moors; or, Rainy Days in Ross-Shire. By the author of Selwyn in Search of a Daughter. Smyth , Amelia Gillespie (Author)
Printer Songs of the Affections. With Other Poems. By Felicia Hemans. Hemans , Felicia (Author)
Printer Destiny; Or, the Chief’s Daughter. By the Author of “Marriage,” and “The Inheritance.” In Three Volumes. Ferrier , Susan Edmonstone (Author)
Printer The Dorias; a Historical Drama. In Five Acts. Strettle , Miss (Author)
Printer The Birth-Day; A Poem, in Three Parts: to which are added, Occasional Verses. By Caroline Bowles, Author of Ellen Fitzarthur, the Widow's Tale, Solitary Hours, Chapter on Churchyards, Tales of the Factory, Etc. Bowles , Caroline (Author)

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"James Ballantyne and Co." The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Firm ID 153, Accessed 2024-09-07.

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