ID 1607
Name Frances Houlston and Co.
Gender Female
Street Address 65 Paternoster Row
City London
Start Date 1830
End Date
Related People Houlston, Frances
Related Firms Frances Houlston and Son [Wellington]
Frances Houlston and Stoneman
Frances Houlston and Son [London]
Frances Houlston [Shropshire]
Frances Houlston and Wright


Displaying 1–18 of 18

Firm Role Title Contributors Date
Publisher Addresses to children, on the Beatitudes: Matthew V. 1-12. By Mrs. Cameron, author of "Margaret Whyte," &c. Second edition. Cameron , Lucy Lyttelton (Author)
Houlston , Frances (Publisher)
Houlston , Frances (Printer)
Publisher Do what you can. By Mrs. Sherwood, author of "Little Henry and his bearer," &c. &c. Sherwood , Mary Martha (Author)
Houlston , Frances (Publisher)
Publisher Joan, or, Trustworthy. Part I. By Mrs. Sherwood, author of "Little Henry and his bearer," &c. &c. Sherwood , Mary Martha (Author)
Houlston , Frances (Publisher)
Publisher Joan, or, Trustworthy. Part II. By Mrs. Sherwood, author of "Little Henry and his bearer," &c. &c. Sherwood , Mary Martha (Author)
Houlston , Frances (Publisher)
Publisher Proper spirit. By Mrs. Cameron, author of "Margaret Whyte," &c. Cameron , Lucy Lyttelton (Author)
Houlston , Frances (Publisher)
Publisher The bitter sweet. Part I. By Mrs. Sherwood, author of "Little Henry and his bearer," &c. &c. Sherwood , Mary Martha (Author)
Houlston , Frances (Publisher)
Publisher The bitter sweet. Part II. By Mrs. Sherwood, author of "Little Henry and his bearer," &c. &c. Sherwood , Mary Martha (Author)
Houlston , Frances (Publisher)
Publisher The cottage in the wood. Part I. By Mrs. Sherwood, author of "Little Henry and his bearer," &c. &c. Sherwood , Mary Martha (Author)
Houlston , Frances (Publisher)
Publisher The cottage in the wood. Part II. By Mrs. Sherwood, author of "Little Henry and his Bearer," &c. Sherwood , Mary Martha (Author)
Houlston , Frances (Publisher)
Publisher The hop-picking. Part I. By Mrs. Sherwood, author of "Little Henry and his bearer," &c. &c. Sherwood , Mary Martha (Author)
Houlston , Frances (Publisher)
Publisher The hop-picking. Part II. By Mrs. Sherwood, author of "Little Henry and his bearer," &c. &c. Sherwood , Mary Martha (Author)
Houlston , Frances (Publisher)
Publisher The Kind Little Boy. By Mrs. Cameron, Author of 'The History of Margaret Whyte,' 'The two lambs,' &c. A New Edition. Cameron , Lucy Lyttelton (Author)
Publisher The novice. Part I. By Mrs. Cameron, author of "Emma and her nurse," "Margaret Whyte," "The two lambs," &c &c. Cameron , Lucy Lyttelton (Author)
Houlston , Frances (Publisher)
Publisher The novice. Part II. By Mrs. Cameron, author of "Emma and her nurse," "Margaret Whyte," "The two lambs," &c. &c. Cameron , Lucy Lyttelton (Author)
Houlston , Frances (Publisher)
Publisher The turnpike-house. By Mrs. Sherwood, author of "Little Henry and his Bearer," &c. &c. Sherwood , Mary Martha (Author)
Publisher The two wives. Part I. By Mrs. Cameron, author of "Margaret Whyte," "The two lambs," &c. &c. Cameron , Lucy Lyttelton (Author)
Houlston , Frances (Publisher)
Publisher The two wives. Part II. By Mrs. Cameron, author of "Margaret Whyte," "The two lambs," &c. &c. Cameron , Lucy Lyttelton (Author)
Publisher Mental Pictures, in Verse, for Infants. By Lucy Joynes, author of "Original Poetry for Infant and Juvenile Minds." "The Sabbath, a Discourse to Children." &c. &c. Joynes , Lucy (Author)

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"Frances Houlston and Co." The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Firm ID 1607, Accessed 2024-10-21.

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