ID 188
Name Lane, Darling, and Co.
Gender Unknown
Street Address 31 Leadenhall Street
City London
Start Date 1806
End Date 1813


Displaying 1–10 of 10

Firm Role Title Contributors Date
Printer Alvondown Vicarage. A Novel. In Two Volumes. Roche I , Regina Maria (Author)
Printer Baron de Falkenheim. A German Tale of the Sixteenth Century. In two volumes. Guénard , Elisabeth (Author)
Unknown , (Translator)
Printer The Bandit's Bride; or, The Maid of Saxony. A Romance. In Four Volumes. By the Author of Montbrasil Abbey, &c. Stanhope , Louisa Sidney (Author)
Printer "There is a Secret, Find it Out!". A Novel. In Four Volumes. By Mrs. Meeke, Author of Amazement, Old Wife and Young Husband, Wonder of the Village, &c. &c. Meeke , Elizabeth (Author)
Printer Falconbridge Abbey. A Devonshire Story. In Five Volumes. By Mrs. Hanway, Author Of Ellinor, And Andrew Stuart. Hanway , Mary Ann (Author)
Printer The Unpublished Correspondence of Madame du Deffand; with d'Alembert, Montesquieu, the President Henault, the Duchess du Maine, Mesdames de Staal, de Choiseul, the Marquis d'Argens, the Chevalier d'Aydie, &c. Followed by the Letters of Voltaire to Madame du Deffand. Translated from the Original French, By Mrs. Meeke. In Two Volumes. de Vichy-Chamrond , Marie Anne (Author)
Meeke , Elizabeth (Translator)
Publisher Almeria D'Aveiro; or, The Irish Guardian. A Novel. In Three Volumes. By Mrs. Mackenzie, author of Mysteries Elucidated; Feudal Events; Martin and Mansfeldt; Dusseldorf; Neapolitan, &c. &c. Mackenzie , Anna Maria (Author)
Printer Says She To Her Neighbour, What? In Four Volumes. By an Old-Fashioned Englishman. Hofland , Barbara (Author)
Printer Substance and Shadow; or, The Fisherman's Daughters of Brighton. A Patchwork Story. In four volumes. By the author of Light and Shade; Eversfield Abbey; Banks of the Wye; Aunt and Niece, &c. &c. Unknown , (Author)
Printer The Young Northern Traveller. Being a Series of Letters from Frederick to Charles, during a Tour through the North of Europe. By the Author of The Officer’s Widow and Family; The Clergyman’s Widow and Family; The Daughter-in-Law, &c. Hofland , Barbara (Author)

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"Lane, Darling, and Co." The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Firm ID 188, Accessed 2024-10-21.

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