ID 2609
Name David Ogilvy and Son
Gender Unknown
Street Address 315 Holborn
City London
Start Date 1797
End Date 1807


Displaying 1–9 of 9

Firm Role Title Contributors Date
Bookseller Poems on several occasions. Written by Catherine Livingston. Livingston , Catherine (Author)
Publisher Petrarch's View of Human Life. Translated from the Latin, by Mrs. Dobson. A New Edition. Dobson , Susannah (Translator)
Vernor , Ann (Publisher)
Petrarca , Francesco (Author)
Publisher The plays of William Shakspeare, accurately printed from the text of Mr. Steevens's last edition, with a selection of the most important notes. In eight volumes. Shakespeare , William (Author)
Newbery , Elizabeth (Publisher)
Vernor , Ann (Publisher)
Publisher A Short View of the Whole Scripture History: With a Continuation of the Jewish Affairs from the Old Testament, till the Time of Christ; and An Account of the chief Prophecies that relate to Him: Represented in a Way of Question and Answer. Illustrated with Various Remarks on the History and the Religion of the Patriarchs, Jews, and Christians, and on the Laws, Government, Sects, Customs, and Writings of the Jews; and adorned with Figures relating to their Camp, Tabernacle, and Worship. By I. Watts, D.D. The Eighteenth Edition. Watts , Isaac (Author)
Vernor , Ann (Publisher)
Pote , Maria (Publisher)
Publisher Sheridan improved. A General Pronouncing and Explanatory Dictionary of the English Language: For the Use of Schools, Foreigners learning English, &c. In Which It Has Been Attempted To Improve On The Plan Of Mr. Sheridan; The Discordancies of that celebrated Orthoepist being avoided, and his Improprieties corrected. The Third Edition, Revised, and Very Considerably Enlarged By Selections From Ash, Bailey, Barclay, Buchanan, Dyche, Elphinston, Entick, Fry, Johnson, Johnston, Kenrick, Lemon, Marriott, Martin, Nares, Perry, Rider, Scot, and Walker. By Stephen Jones, Author of the "New Biographical Dictionary" and "The History Of Poland," and Compiler Of "Dr. Johnson's Table-Talk, &c." Jones , Stephen (Author)
Sheridan , Thomas (Author)
Publisher Solitude, written originally by J.G. Zimmerman. To which are added, the life of the author; notes historical and explanatory; a copious index; and seven beautiful engravings by Ridley. Zimmermann , Johann Georg (Author)
Ridley , William (Engraver)
Vernor , Ann (Publisher)
Publisher The Universal Gazetteer; Being a Concise Description, Alphabetically Arranged, of the Nations, Kingdoms, States, Towns, Empires, Provinces, Cities, Oceans, Seas, Harbours, Rivers, Lakes, Canals, Mountains, Capes, &c. In the Known World; The Government, Manners, and Religion of the Inhabitants, with the Extent, Boundaries, and Natural Productions, Manufactures and Curiosities of the Different Countries. Containing Several Thousand Places not to be met with in any similar Gazetteer. Illustrated with Fourteen Maps. By John Walker. The Second Edition, Further accommodated to commercial Purposes, as well as general Information by another Hand. Walker , John (Author)
Publisher Solitude, written originally by J. G. Zimmerman. To which are added, the life of the author; notes historical and explanatory; a copious index; and seven beautiful engravings by Ridley. Zimmermann , Johann Georg (Author)
Ridley , William (Engraver)
Vernor , Ann (Publisher)
Publisher The letters of Marcus Tullius Cicero to several of his friends. With remarks by William Melmoth, Esq. In three volumes. The fifth edition. To which is now added a general index. Cicero , Marcus Tullius (Author)
Melmoth , William (Author)
Vernor , Ann (Publisher)

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"David Ogilvy and Son" The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Firm ID 2609, Accessed 2025-02-22.

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