ID 2682
Name Thomas Hurst, George Robinson and Co. [Cheapside]
Gender Unknown
Street Address 90 Cheapside, 8 Pall Mall
City London
Start Date
End Date 1825


Displaying 1–7 of 7

Firm Role Title Contributors Date
Publisher The Honeymoon . . . With remarks by Mrs. Inchbald. Tobin , John (Author)
Inchbald , Elizabeth (Editor)
Publisher The British Novelists; with an Essay, and Prefaces Biographical and Critical, by Mrs. Barbauld. A New Edition. Barbauld , Anna Laetitia (Editor)
Burney , Frances (Author)
Edgeworth , Maria (Author)
and 16 more.
Publisher Ballantyne's Novelist's Library Scott , Walter (Editor)
Fielding , Henry (Author)
Smollett , Tobias George (Author)
and 13 more.
Publisher Rome in the Nineteenth Century; Containing a Complete Account of the Ruins of the Ancient City, the Remains of the Middle Ages, and the Monuments of Modern Times. With Remarks on the Fine Arts, on the State of Society, and on the Religious Ceremonies, Manners, and Customs, of the Modern Romans. In a Series of Letters Written During a Residence at Rome, in the years 1817 and 1818. In Three Volumes. Second Edition. Eaton , Charlotte Anne (Author)
Publisher Memoir of the late Mrs. Henrietta Fordyce, relict of James Fordyce, D.D. Containing original letters, anecdotes, and pieces of poetry. To which is added a sketch of the life of James Fordyce, D.D. Kelly , Isabella (Author)
Publisher Rome in the Nineteenth Century; Containing a Complete Account of the Ruins of the Ancient City, the Remains of the Middle Ages, and the Monuments of Modern Times. With Remarks on the Fine Arts, on the State of Society, and on the Religious Ceremonies, Manners, and Customs, of the Modern Romans. In a Series of Letters Written During a Residence at Rome, in the years 1817 and 1818. In Three Volumes. Third Edition. Eaton , Charlotte Anne (Author)
Publisher The Improvisatrice; and Other Poems. By L. E. L. With Embellishments. Landon , Letitia Elizabeth (Author)
Pye , I. (Engraver)

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"Thomas Hurst, George Robinson and Co. [Cheapside]." The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Firm ID 2682, Accessed 2025-03-28.

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