ID 28
Name Sarah Cotter (later Stringer) [Skinner Row]
Gender Female
Street Address Under Dick's Coffee-House, Skinner Row
City Dublin
Start Date 1751
End Date 1774
Related People Cotter, Sarah
Related Firms Sarah Cotter (later Stringer) [Summerhill]


Displaying 1–25 of 27

Firm Role Title Contributors Date
Publisher An elegy written in a country church-yard. The Fifth edition, corrected. Gray , Thomas (Author)
Cotter , Sarah (Publisher)
Printer Law-books, printed by Sarah Cotter, in Skinner-Row. Cotter , Sarah (Printer)
Publisher Henrietta. By the author of The female Quixote. In two volumes. Lennox , Charlotte (Author)
Cotter , Sarah (Publisher)
Publisher Sir Courtly Nice: or, It cannot be. A comedy, as it is perform'd at the Theatres-Royal in London and Dublin. Crowne , John (Author)
Cotter , Sarah (Publisher)
Publisher The wonder: a woman keeps a secret. A comedy. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Smock-Alley, and the New-Theatre in Crow-Street. Written by the author of, The gamester. The third edition. Centlivre , Susanna (Author)
Cotter , Sarah (Publisher)
Publisher An essay towards a general history of feudal property in Great Britain, under the following heads, I. History of the introduction of the feudal system into Great-Britain. II. History of Tenures. III. History of the alienation of land property. IV. History of entails. V. History of the laws of succession or descent. VI. History of the forms of conveyance. VII. History of jurisdictions, an the forms of procedure in courts. VIII. History of the constitution of parliament. By John Dalrymple, Esq, The fourth edition. Dalrymple , John (Author)
Cotter , Sarah (Publisher)
Publisher The Jealous Wife: a comedy. As it is acted at the Theatre Royal in Drury-Lane. By George Colman, Esq. Colman , George (the elder) (Author)
Leathley , Ann (Publisher)
Cotter , Sarah (Publisher)
and 1 more.
Publisher The Jealous Wife: a comedy. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. By George Colman, Esq. James , Alice (Publisher)
Leathley , Ann (Publisher)
Colman , George (the elder) (Author)
and 1 more.
Publisher The history of Miss Jenny Salisbury; addressed to the Countess of Roscommond. Translated from the French of the celebrated Madame Riccoboni. In two volumes. ... Riccoboni , Marie Jeanne (Author)
Watts [m. Lynch in 1762] , Elizabeth (Publisher)
Cotter , Sarah (Publisher)
and 2 more.
Publisher Memoirs of ****, Commonly known by the name of George Psalmanazar; a reputed native of Formosa. Written by himself in order to be published after his death. Containing an account of his education, travels, adventures, connections, literary productions, and pretended conversion from heathenism to Christianity; which last proved the occasion of his being brought over into this Kingdom, and passing for a proselyte, and a member of the Church of England. Psalmanazar , George (Author)
Watts [m. Lynch in 1762] , Elizabeth (Publisher)
Cotter , Sarah (Publisher)
Publisher New amusements of the German Spa. Written in French, in the year 1763. By J.P. De Limbourg, M.D. Senior Fellow of the Royal Academy of Sciences at Montpelier. In two volumes. Limbourg , Jean-Philippe de (Author)
Watts [m. Lynch in 1762] , Elizabeth (Publisher)
Cotter , Sarah (Publisher)
Publisher Sermons. By Charles Churchill. Churchill , Charles (Author)
Watts [m. Lynch in 1762] , Elizabeth (Publisher)
Publisher The commissary. A comedy in three acts. As it is performed at the theatre in the Hay-Market. By Samuel Foote, Esq; Foote , Samuel (Author)
Watts [m. Lynch in 1762] , Elizabeth (Publisher)
Publisher The correspondence of Theodosius and Constantia, from their first acquaintance to the departure of Theodosius. Now first published from the original manuscripts. By the editor of the letters that passed between Theodosius and Constantia, after she had taken the veil. Langhorne , John (Author)
Watts [m. Lynch in 1762] , Elizabeth (Publisher)
Cotter , Sarah (Publisher)
Publisher The fortunate villager: or, Memoirs of Sir Andrew Thompson. In two volumes. Carlet de Chamblain de Marivaux , Pierre (Author)
Cotter , Sarah (Publisher)
Publisher The guardian out-witted. A comic opera. As it is performed at the Theatre Royal in Covent-Garden. The musick composed by Tho. Aug. Arne, doctor in music. Arne , Thomas Augustine (Composer)
Watts [m. Lynch in 1762] , Elizabeth (Publisher)
Leathley , Ann (Publisher)
and 2 more.
Publisher The history of Miss Indiana Danby. In two volumes. By a lady. Unknown , [Woman] (Author)
Cotter , Sarah (Publisher)
Watts [m. Lynch in 1762] , Elizabeth (Publisher)
Publisher The history of the Marquis de Roselle, in a series of letters. By Madam Elie de Beaumont. Translated from the French. In two volumes. de Beaumont Élie , Anne-Louise Morin-Dumesnil (Author)
Watts [m. Lynch in 1762] , Elizabeth (Publisher)
Cotter , Sarah (Publisher)
and 1 more.
Publisher The life and opinions of Tristram Shandy, gentleman. Sterne , Laurence (Author)
Watts [m. Lynch in 1762] , Elizabeth (Publisher)
Cotter , Sarah (Publisher)
Publisher The parasite. Watts [m. Lynch in 1762] , Elizabeth (Publisher)
Cotter , Sarah (Publisher)
Publisher The siege of Calais. A tragedy. From the French of Mr. De Belloy, with historical notes. Belloy , Pierre-Laurent Buirette (Author)
Watts [m. Lynch in 1762] , Elizabeth (Publisher)
Cotter , Sarah (Publisher)
Publisher The triumvirate: or, the authentic memoirs of Andrews, Beville, and Carewe. In two volumes. Griffith , Richard (Author)
Watts [m. Lynch in 1762] , Elizabeth (Publisher)
Cotter , Sarah (Publisher)
Publisher The tryal of William Lord Byron, Baron Byron of Rochdale, for the murder of William Chaworth, Esq; Before the Right Honourable the House of Peers, in Westminster-Hall, in full Parliament. On Tuesday the 16th and Wednesday the 17th of April, 1765: on the last of which days the said William Lord Byron was acquitted of murder, but found guilty of manslaughter. Published by order of the House of Peers. Byron , William Byron (Author)
Watts [m. Lynch in 1762] , Elizabeth (Publisher)
Leathley , Ann (Publisher)
and 1 more.
Publisher Letters on Different Subjects, in Four Volumes. Amongst which are interspers'd the Adventures of Alphonso, After the Destruction of Lisbon. By the Author of The Unfortunate Mother's Advice to her absent daughters. Pennington , Sarah (Author)
Watts [m. Lynch in 1762] , Elizabeth (Publisher)
Cotter , Sarah (Publisher)
Publisher The chinese spy; or, emissary from the court of Pekin, commissioned to examine into the present state of Europe. Translated from the Chinese. In six volumes. Goudar , Ange (Author)
Watts [m. Lynch in 1762] , Elizabeth (Publisher)
Cotter , Sarah (Publisher)

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"Sarah Cotter (later Stringer) [Skinner Row]." The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Firm ID 28, Accessed 2025-03-03.

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