ID 425
Name Thomas Hurst [Paternoster]
Gender Male
Street Address 32 Paternoster Row
City London
Start Date 1799
End Date 1827
Sources British Book Trade Index 36382
Related Firms Thomas Hurst [St. Paul]


Displaying 26–50 of 113

Firm Role Title Contributors Date
Bookseller English Nights Entertainments. The History of Oroonoko; or, The Royal Slave. Written Originally by Mrs. Behn, and Revised by Mrs. Griffiths. Lemoine , Ann (Publisher)
Griffiths , Maria (Author)
Behn , Aphra (Author)
Bookseller English Nights Entertainments. The Shipwreck; or, History of Paul and Virginia. Written by Bernardin de St. Pierre. Lemoine , Ann (Publisher)
de Saint-Pierre , Jacques-Henri Bernardin (Author)
Bookseller Essays on various subjects: in which some characters of the present age are introduced. By M. de la Garde, Formerly of the Island of Jersey, and Author of the Candid Friend. Second edition. To which is added some poetical pieces, by Mrs. Guppy. Guppy , Sarah (Author)
De La Garde , Mary (Author)
Bookseller Instructive & entertaining dialogues for children. By Mrs. Guppy. Guppy , Sarah (Author)
Bookseller Juvenile Reduplications: or, The New "House that Jack Built." A Parody. With appropriate cuts and explanatory notes. By J. Bisset, Author of The Orphan Boy; The Flights of Fancy; Bisset , James (Author)
Newbery , Elizabeth (Bookseller)
Bookseller Laugh When You Can: or The Monstrous Droll Jester, and Chearful Companion. Containing Upwards of Two Hundred and Fifty Good Things, Many of Which Are Not to Be Found in Any Other Collection. Lemoine , Ann (Publisher)
Unknown , (Author)
Bookseller New Lights from the World of Darkness; or, The Midnight Messenger; With Solemn Signals from the World of Spirits. Containing Wonderful Evidences of the Visits of Ghosts, Apparitions, &c. to Many Person Now Living, and Notices of Death in Several Creditable Families. The Whole Forming a Constellation of Horror!!! Lemoine , Ann (Publisher)
Unknown , (Author)
Bookseller Poems on various subjects. By S. Pearson. Pearson , Susanna (Author)
Bookseller The Baron of Lauderbrooke. A Tale. By W. Holloway Lemoine , Ann (Publisher)
Holloway , William (Author)
Bookseller The Baron of Lauderbrooke. A Tale. By W. Holloway Lemoine , Ann (Publisher)
Holloway , William (Author)
Bookseller The History and Real Adventures of Robin Hood and His Merry Companions. To Which Are Added, Some of the Most Favorite Ballads from an Old Book, Entitled Robin Hood's Garland. by Charles Johnson Lemoine , Ann (Publisher)
Johnson , Charles (Author)
Bookseller The history and real adventures of Robin Hood and his merry companions. Written by Capt. C. Johnson. To which are added, some of the most favorite ballads from an old book, entitled Robin Hood's Garland. Johnson , Charles (Author)
Bookseller The Life of Richard Turpin, a Notorious Highwayman. Containing a Particular Account of His Adventures, From His Being First an Apprentice to a Butcher in Whitechapel, to His Execution at York for Horse-Stealing. To Which is Added, the Life of Sawney Beane, the Man-Eater. Lemoine , Ann (Publisher)
Bookseller The litle gipsy girl; or, universal fortune-teller. To which is added charms and ceremonies, for knowing future events; and a complete dreaming dictionary. Margaret Finch, queen of the Norwood gipsies. Finch , Margaret (Author)
Bookseller The Misfortunes of Love; or, The Adventures of Henry and Julia. To Which is Added, the Pathetic History of Leonora. Lemoine , Ann (Publisher)
Unknown , (Author)
Bookseller The Profitable Planter. A Treatise on the Cultivation of Larch and Scotch Fir Timber: Showing that their Excellent Quality (Especially that of the former) Will Render them so Extensively Useful, as Greatly to Promote the Interests of the Country. With Directions for Planting in Various Soils and Situations, By a New and Expeditious Method, also, for the Management of Plantations. To which are added. Useful hints, in regard to Shelter and Ornament. By W. Pontey. Nurseryman and Planter. Pontey , William (Author)
Vernor , Ann (Bookseller)
Bookseller The Remarkable Life of John Elwes Esq. member in three successive parliaments for Berkshire. With singular anecdotes, &c. written by Captain Topham. Supposed to be the greatest instance of penury that ever existed. A new edition. Topham , Edward (Author)
Lemoine , Ann (Publisher)
Bookseller The Tournament. A Tragedy. Imitated from the celebrated German drama entitled Agnes Bernaeur, which was written by a nobleman of high rank, and founded on a fact, that occurred in Bavaria about the year M,CCCC,CCCV Starke , Mariana (Author)
Bookseller The true and affecting history of the Duchess of C****, who was confined by her husband in a dismal dungeon, under ground, where light never entered, and in which was nothing except a straw bed; bread and water being her only support, and that conveyed, by means of a turning-box, by her unrelenting husband, when the law but ONCE during her IMPRISONMENT of NINE YEARS; in which course of time she frequently suffered the severity of extreme Hunger, Thirst, and Cold. But happily, a few days beofre her Tyrant's Death, he disclosed the Secret of her Subterraneous Abode to a friend; from which she was soon after released by her parents. du Crest de Saint-Aubin , Stéphanie Félicité (Author)
Bookseller The True and Surprising Adventures, Voyages, Shipwreck & Distresses, Mons. Pierre Viaud, A French Sea-Captain, and a Native of Bourdeaux. Translated by Mrs. Griffith. Dubois-Fontanelle , Joseph-Gaspard (Author)
Griffith , Elizabeth (Translator)
Bookseller The Voyages, Travels and Surprising Adventures of Captain Robert Singleton. Written by Daniel Defoe, Author of Robinson Crusoe, &c. &c. Containing an account of his being set on shore in the island of Madagascar; of his Passage from thence, and Travels through the Deserts of Africa; his various Encounters with Savages and wild Beasts; his aqcuiring great riches in Gold Dust and Elephant's Teeth, and return to England. Defoe , Daniel (Author)
Lemoine , Ann (Publisher)
Printer A Melancholy but True story Unknown , (Author)
Smith [Liverpool] , Ann (Printer)
Publisher Directions for breeding game-cocks including the methods of treating them from the time they are hatched, till fit to fight: besides articles for a match; key to a match bill; rules and orders as abided by at the Cock-Pit Royal with calculations for betting. Unknown , (Author)
Newbery , Elizabeth (Publisher)
Publisher Johnson's dictionary of the English language, in miniature. To which are added, an alphabetical account of the heathen deities; a list of the cities, boroughs, and market towns in England and Wales; a copious chronology; and a concise epitome of the most remarkable events during the French revolution. By the Rev. Joseph Hamilton, M.A. Thirteenth Edition. Johnson , Samuel (Author)
Hamilton , Joseph (Author)
Vernor , Ann (Publisher)
Publisher Juliania; or, the affectionate sisters. By the author of The happy family at Eason House, &c. Sandham , Elizabeth (Author)

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"Thomas Hurst [Paternoster]." The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Firm ID 425, Accessed 2025-03-29.

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