ID 425
Name Thomas Hurst [Paternoster]
Gender Male
Street Address 32 Paternoster Row
City London
Start Date 1799
End Date 1827
Sources British Book Trade Index 36382
Related Firms Thomas Hurst [St. Paul]


Displaying 1–25 of 113

Firm Role Title Contributors Date
Bookseller The Economy of Love, by Dr. John Armstrong. To which are added Love Elegies, by Mr. Hammond. Armstrong , John (Author)
Hammond , James (Author)
Lemoine , Ann (Publisher)
Bookseller The Life and Mysterious Transactions of Richard Morris, Esq. Better Known by the Name of Dick Spot, the Conjuror, Particularly in Derbyshire and Shropshire. Written by an Old Acquaintance, who was a critical observer of all his actions for near fifty years. Including singular, whimsical, and curious anecdotes of many living characters—unaccountable and mysterious transactions—lost property restored—life preserved—robberies prevented—deaths frequently foretold, (particularly that of the unfortunate King of Sweden, which he declared in print more than three months before it happened)—and proving every thing belonging to the history of this wonderful man, to have been beyond the settled rules by which human actions and life are in general regulated. Lemoine , Ann (Publisher)
Unknown , [Man] (Author)
Bookseller Authentic Memoirs of Phebe Phillips; otherwise Maria Maitland; well known in the vicinity of Covent Garden. Written by herself. Phillips , Phebe (Author)
Lemoine , Ann (Publisher)
Bookseller Biographical Curiosities. The Strange and unaccountable life of the penurious Daniel Dancer, Esq. A miserable miser, who died in a sack, though worth upwards of three thousand pounds per annum. With singular anecdotes of the famous Jemmy Taylor, the southwark usurer. To which is added the life of the Rev. George Harvest, parson and comedian. A New edition with Additions. Unknown , (Author)
Lemoine , Ann (Publisher)
Bookseller Kilverstone Castle; or, The Heir Restored. An English Gothic Story, Founded on a Fact Which Happened on the Dawn of the Reformation. Lemoine , Ann (Publisher)
Unknown , (Author)
Bookseller Pizarro. The Spaniards in Peru; or, the death of Rolla. A Tragedy, in five acts: by August Von Kotzebue. The original of the play performing at the Theatre Royal Drury Lane, under the title of Pizarro. Translated from the German by Anne Plumptre, translator of Kotzebue's Virgin of the Sun, &c. Fifth edition, revised. Kotzebue , August Friedrich Ferdinand von (Author)
Plumptre , Anne (Translator)
Bookseller The East Indian, or Clifford Priory. A novel, in four volumes. By Mary Julia Young, author of Rose-Mount Castle, Poems, &c. Young , Mary Julia (Author)
Bookseller The Force of Calumny. A Play, in five acts. By Augustus von Kotzebue. Translated from the German, by Anne Plumptre, Translator of Kotzebue's Natural Son, and other plays. Kotzebue , August Friedrich Ferdinand von (Author)
Plumptre , Anne (Translator)
Bookseller The Life and Mysterious Transactions of Richard Morris, Esq. Better Known by the Name of Dick Spot, the Conjuror, Particularly in Derbyshire and Shropshire. Written by an Old Acquaintance Who Was a Critical Observer of All His Actions for Near Fifty Years. Including Singular, Whimsical, and Curious Anecdotes of Many Living Characters—Unaccountable and Mysterious Transactions—Lost Property Restored—Life Preserved—Robberies Prevented—Deaths Frequently Foretold, (Particularly That of the Unfortunate King of Sweden, Which He Declared in Print More That Three Months Before It Happened)—And Proving Every Thing Belonging to the History of This Wonderful Man, to Have Been Beyond the Settled Rules by Which Human Actions and Life Are in General Regulated. Lemoine , Ann (Publisher)
Bookseller The little Gipsy Girl; or, Universal Fortune Teller. To which is added a complete Dreaming Dictionary. Lemoine , Ann (Publisher)
Unknown , (Author)
Bookseller The Little Gipsy Girl; or, Universal Fortune Teller. To Which is Added, Charms and Ceremonies For Knowing Future Events; and a Complete Dreaming Dictionary. Lemoine , Ann (Publisher)
Unknown , (Author)
Bookseller The Sorrows of Werter. A Pathetic Story. Lemoine , Ann (Publisher)
Unknown , (Author)
Bookseller The Spaniards in Peru; or, the death of Rolla. A Tragedy, in five acts: by August Von Kotzebue. Translated from the German by Anne Plumptre, translator of Kotzebue's Virgin of the Sun, &c. Kotzebue , August Friedrich Ferdinand von (Author)
Plumptre , Anne (Translator)
Bookseller The true and affecting history of the Duchess of C****, who was confined by her husband in a dismal dungeon, under ground, where light never entered, and in which was nothing except a straw bed; bread and water being her only support, and that conveyed by means of a turning-box, by her unrelenting husband, whom the law but once during her imprisonment of nine years; in which course of time she frequently suffered the severity of extreme Hunger, Thirst, and Cold. But happily a few days before her tyrant's death, he disclosed the secret of subterraneous abode. To a friend; from which she was soon after released by her parents. du Crest de Saint-Aubin , Stéphanie Félicité (Author)
Bookseller The Virgin of the Sun. A Play, in five acts: by August Von Kotzebue. Translated from the genuine German edition by Anne Plumptre, translator of Kotzebue's Natural Son (Lover's Vows), and of his court of Burgundy. Kotzebue , August Friedrich Ferdinand von (Author)
Plumptre , Anne (Translator)
Bookseller The Widow, and the riding horse, a dramatic trifle, in one act. By Augustus von Kotzebue. Translated from the German by Anne Plumptre; Translator of Kotzebue's Virgin of the Sun--Spaniards in Peru, performing under the title of Pizarro--Natural Son--Court of Burgundy--and Force of Calumny. Kotzebue , August Friedrich Ferdinand von (Author)
Plumptre , Anne (Translator)
Bookseller The Woman of the Town; or, Authentic Memoirs of Phebe Phillips; Otherwise Maria Maitland; Well Known in the Vicinity of Covent Garden. Written by Herself. Lemoine , Ann (Publisher)
Phillips , Phebe (Author)
Printer The Magdalen; or, History of the First Penitent Prostitute Received Into That Charitable Asylum. With Anecdotes of Other Penitents. By the Rev. William Dodd, LL. D. Lemoine , Ann (Publisher)
Unknown , (Author)
Publisher Astronomy explained upon Sir Isaac Newton's principles, and made easy to those who have not studied mathematics. To which are added, a plain method of finding the distances of all the planets from the sun, by the Transit of Venus over the Sun's Disc, in the Year 1761. An account of Mr. Horrox's observation of the transit of Venus in the Year 1639: and, of the Distances of all the Planets from the sun, as deduced from Observations of the Transit in the Year 1761. By James Ferguson, F. R. S. The Tenth Edition, with some additional notes. Ferguson , James (Author)
Vernor , Ann (Publisher)
Publisher Beauties of Sturm: in lessons on the works of God, and of His providence. Rendered familiar to the capacities of youth by Eliza Andrews, author of allegorical miniatures, the brothers, &c. Sturm , Cristoph Christian (Author)
Andrews , Eliza (Translator)
Vernor , Ann (Publisher)
Publisher Elements of geography, expressly designed for the use of schools. By the Rev. Henry St. John Bullen, ... Bullen , Henry St. John (Author)
Newbery , Elizabeth (Publisher)
Publisher The happy family at Eason House. Exhibited in the amiable conduct of the little Nelsons and their parents. Interspersed with select pieces of poetry. Sandham , Elizabeth (Author)
Publisher The letters of Marcus Tullius Cicero to several of his friends. With remarks by William Melmoth, Esq. In three volumes. The fifth edition. To which is now added a general index. Cicero , Marcus Tullius (Author)
Melmoth , William (Author)
Vernor , Ann (Publisher)
Publisher Toiles d'Araignées pour Attraper les Mouches, ou Courts Dialogues pour l'instruction des enfans, depuis l'âge de trois ans, jusqu'à celui de huit. Fenn , Ellenor (Author)
Newbery , Elizabeth (Publisher)
Bookseller Adeline St. Julian; or, the midnight hour. A novel. In two volumes. By Mrs. Anne Ker, Author of the Heiress DI Montalde, &c. Ker , Anne (Author)

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"Thomas Hurst [Paternoster]." The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Firm ID 425, Accessed 2025-03-26.

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