Publisher |
Domestic Scenes. From the German. In Three Volumes. By the author of Agnes de Lilien, Statira, Restless Matron, &c. &c. |
, Mrs.
1806 |
Publisher |
FIreside Stories; or, The Plain Tales of Aunt Deborah and Her Friends. In Three Volumes. By the author of A Plain Story, Gleanings of a Wanderer, &c. |
, Mrs.
1806 |
Publisher |
Montbrasil Abbey; or, Maternal Trials. A Tale. In Two Volumes. |
, Louisa Sidney
1806 |
Publisher |
Something Strange. A Novel. In Four Volumes. By Gabrielli, author of The Mysterious Husband, Independence, &c. &c. |
, Elizabeth
1806 |
Publisher |
The Bravo of Bohemia; or, The Black Forest. A Romance. In Four Volumes. By a Lady. |
, [Woman]
1806 |
Publisher |
The Father and Son; or, De Claremont. A Desultory Tale. In Three Volumes. |
, Miss
1806 |
Publisher |
The Heirs of Villeroy. A Romance. In Three Volumes. By Henrietta Rouviere, author of Lussington Abbey, &c. |
, Henrietta Rouviere
1806 |
Publisher |
The Impertinent Wife: A Moral Tale: Containing also, the Fair Penitent, Dalidor & Mulce, and Lovers Without Love. From the French of Madame Genlis. |
du Crest de Saint-Aubin
, Stéphanie Félicité
1806 |
Publisher |
The Three Old Maids of the House of Penruddock. A Novel. In Three Volumes. By Mrs. Bridget Bluemantle. |
, Elizabeth
1806 |
Publisher |
The Wood Nymph, A Novel: In Three Volumes. By the author of Ariel, and Glenmore Abbey. |
, Mrs.
1806 |
Publisher |
Vicissitudes Abroad; or, The Ghost of My Father. A Novel. In Six Volumes. By Mrs. Bennet, author of Anna; Juvenile Indiscretions; Agnes de Courci; Ellen; Beggar Girl, &c. |
, Anna Maria
1806 |
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Vivonio; or, The Hour of Retribution. A Romance. In Four Volumes. By a Young Lady. |
, Sophia
1806 |
Publisher |
A Peep at our Ancestors: An Historical Romance. In Four Volumes. By Henrietta Rouviere, author of Lussington Abbey, Heirs of Villeroy, &c. |
, Henrietta Rouviere
1807 |
Publisher |
Alvondown Vicarage. A Novel. In Two Volumes. |
Roche I
, Regina Maria
1807 |
Publisher |
Baron de Falkenheim. A German Tale of the Sixteenth Century. In two volumes. |
, Elisabeth
1807 |
Publisher |
Constance de Lindensdorf; or, The Force of Bigotry. A Tale. In Four Volumes. By Sophia Frances, Author of Vivonio, &c. |
, Sophia
1807 |
Publisher |
Domestic comforts: a tale, founded on facts, for the use of young people. By Mrs. Frances Kelly. |
, Frances
1807 |
Publisher |
Elizabeth; or, The Exiles of Siberia. A Tale, Founded on Facts. Altered from the French of Madame de Cottin, by Mrs. Meeke. |
, Sophie Ristaud
, Elizabeth
1807 |
Publisher |
Julien; or, My Father's House: A Novel. Altered from the French of Ducray-Duminil by Mrs. Meeke. To which is added, Elizabeth; or The Exiles of Siberia: A Tale, Founded on Facts. From the French of Madame de Cottin. |
, Sophie Ristaud
, François-Guillaume
, Elizabeth
1807 |
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Laurette; or, The Caprices of Fortune. A Novel. In Three Volumes. By Mrs. Thomson. |
, Harriet
, Anna
1807 |
Publisher |
The Bandit's Bride; or, The Maid of Saxony. A Romance. In Four Volumes. By the Author of Montbrasil Abbey, &c. |
, Louisa Sidney
1807 |
Publisher |
The Discarded Son; or, Haunt of the Banditti. A Tale. In Five Volumes. By Regina Maria Roche, author of The Children of the Abbey, &c. |
Roche I
, Regina Maria
1807 |
Publisher |
The Nun of MIserecordia; or, The Eve of All Saints. A Romance. In Four Volumes. By Sophia Frances, Author of Vivonio, Constance de Lindensdorf, &c. |
, Sophia
1807 |
Publisher |
"There is a Secret, Find it Out!". A Novel. In Four Volumes. By Mrs. Meeke, Author of Amazement, Old Wife and Young Husband, Wonder of the Village, &c. &c. |
, Elizabeth
1808 |
Publisher |
Bertrand; or, Memoirs of a Northumbrian Nobleman in the Seventeenth Century; Written by Himself. In Three Volumes. |
, Jemima
Savile de Starck
, Henry
1808 |
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