ID 4473
Name William Goldsmith [Warwick]
Gender Unknown
Street Address Warwick Court, Warwick Lane
City London
Start Date 1791
End Date 1795


Displaying 1–7 of 7

Firm Role Title Contributors Date
Publisher Friendship in death: in twenty letters from the dead to the living. To which are added, letters moral and entertaning [sic], in prose and verse. In three parts. By Mrs. Elizabeth Rowe. To which is prefixed, an account of the life of the author. Rowe , Elizabeth Singer (Author)
Publisher A course of lectures on the principal subjects in pneumatology, ethics, and divinity: with references to the most considerable authors on each subject. By the late Rev. Philip Doddridge, D.D. The third edition. To which are now added, a great number of references, and Many Notes of Reference, to the Various Writers, on the Same Topics, who have Appeared since the Doctor's Decease. By Andrew Kippis, D. D. F. R. S. and S. A. Doddridge , Philip (Author)
Vernor , Ann (Publisher)
Kippis , Andrew (Author)
Publisher A New History of England, by Question and Answer, Extracted from the Most Celebrated English Historians, particularly M. Rapin de Thoyras, by the author of the Roman History by Question and Answer. The Twenty-Third Edition corrected, and brought down to the present time. Lockman , John (Author)
Newbery , Elizabeth (Publisher)
Publisher Fables of Aesop and Others: Translated into English. With instructive applications; and a print before each fable. By Samuel Croxall, D.D. Late Archdeacon of Hereford. The fifteenth edition, carefully revised, and improved. Croxall , Samuel (Author)
Newbery , Elizabeth (Publisher)
Publisher Models of Letters, for the Use of Schools and Private Students. Being an Epitome of the Large Octavo Volume, Entitled, Elegant Epistles: and Containing Select Letters From the Best English Authors, With Many Translated From the French, Which Have Never Appeared in Any Miscellaneous Collection. Knox , Vicesimus (Compiler)
Vernor , Ann (Publisher)
Kearsley , Catharine (Publisher)
and 1 more.
Publisher Family Lectures: or, a Copious Collection of Sermons, Selected from the Most Celebrated Divines, on Faith and Practice. Atterbury. Adams. Allen. Barrow. Balguy. Batty. Beveridge. Bentley. Bellamy, Blackall. Brown. Bull. Bundy. Burnet. Clarke. Calamy. Coney. Delaney. Duke. Gibson. Hort. Hoadley. Hopkins. Hickman. Horne. Hole. Harvest. Ibbot. Jortin. Kennet. Littleton. Lucas. Lupton. Moor. Moss. Orr. Porteus. Ridley. Sharpe. Sherlock. Swift. Stebbing. Stephens. Snape. Stillingfleet. Seed. Secker. Tillotson. Tilly. Terry. Trapp. Wake. Wilson. Webster. A New Volume. Unknown , (Compiler)
Vernor , Ann (Publisher)
Publisher Paradise Lost. A Poem, in Twelve Books. The Author John Milton. Printed from the Text of Tonson's Correct Edition of M.DCC.XI. Milton , John (Author)
Vernor , Ann (Publisher)

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"William Goldsmith [Warwick]." The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Firm ID 4473, Accessed 2025-03-27.

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