ID 4524
Name Richard Horsfield
Gender Unknown
Street Address 5 Stationer's Court
City London
Start Date 1774
End Date 1777


Displaying 1–3 of 3

Firm Role Title Contributors Date
Publisher The house-keeper's pocket-book, and compleat family cook: Containing above twelve hundred curious and uncommon receipts in cookery, pastry, preserving, pickling, candying, collaring, &c. with plain and easy instructions for preparing and dressing every thing suitable for an elegant entertainment, from two dishes to five or ten, &c. also a copious and useful bill of fare, of all manner of provisions in season, for every month in the year. Together with directions for making all sorts of wine, mead, cyder, shrub, distilling strong-waters, &c. for brewing ale and small-beer in a cleanly, frugal manner: and for managing and breeding poultry to advantage. Likewise several useful family receipts for taking out stains, preserving furniture, cleaning plate, taking iron-moulds out of linen, &c. as also easy tables, of sums ready cast up, from one farthing to one pound, for the use of those not conversant in arithmetic: and tables shewing the interest of money from 3, 3 1/2, 4 and 5 per cent. from one day to a year. The whole is so contrived as to contain more than any book of double the price; and the excellency of the receipts renders it the most useful book of the kind. By Mrs. Sarah Harrison. The ninth edition, revised and corrected. To which are now added several modern receipts, by very good judges. Also, every one their own pysician: a collection of the most approved receipts for the cure of the disorders incident to human bodies. Harrison , Sarah (Author)
Publisher Measure for measure. A comedy written by William Shakspeare. Marked with the variations in the manager's book, at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. Shakespeare , William (Author)
Newbery , Elizabeth (Publisher)
Publisher The lucubrations of Isaac Bickerstaff, Esq. Unknown , (Author)
Newbery , Elizabeth (Publisher)

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"Richard Horsfield" The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Firm ID 4524, Accessed 2024-10-22.

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