
Displaying 76–100 of 100

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Publisher Emilia of Lindinau; or The field of Leipsic. A poem, in four cantos. By Mary Arnald Houghton. Houghton , Mary Arnald (Author)
Publisher Emma: a novel. Three volumes in two. By the author of "Pride and prejudice," &c., &c. Austen , Jane (Author)
Publisher Female Scripture characters; exemplifying female virtues. By the author of the "Beneficial effects of the Christian temper on domestick happiness." From the third London edition. King , Frances Elizabeth (Author)
Publisher History of the United States, from their first settlement as English colonies, in 1607, to the year 1808, or the thirty-third of their sovereignty and independence. By David Ramsay, M.D. Continued to the Treaty of Ghent, by S.S. Smith, D.D. and L.L.D. and other literary gentlemen. In three volumes. Ramsay , David (Author)
Bailey , Lydia R. (Printer)
Ramsay , David (Copyright Holder)
Publisher Lorimer. A tale. By Lucy Aikin. Aikin , Lucy (Author)
Bailey , Lydia R. (Printer)
Publisher Margaret of Anjou. A Poem. By Miss Holford. Holford , Margaret (the younger) (Author)
Publisher Margaret of Anjou. A poem. By Miss Holford. Holford , Margaret (the younger) (Author)
Publisher Maternal solicitude for a daughter's best interests. By Mrs. Taylor, of Ongar. First American, from the fifth London editon. Taylor , Ann Martin (Author)
Publisher Memoirs of the Marchioness de Laroche Jaquelein. With a map of the theatre of war in La Vendee. Translated from the French. La Rochejaquelein , Marie-Louise-Victoire (Author)
Publisher Monte Video; or, The officer's wife and her sister. A novel. By Mrs. Bridget Bluemantle, author of The Husband and Wife, Three Old Maids, &c. &c. ; Thomas , Elizabeth (Author)
Publisher Mornton. A novel. In three volumes. By Margaret Cullen, author of "Home." Cullen , Margaret (Author)
Publisher Paired -- not matched; or, Matrimony in the nineteenth century. A novel. In two volumes. By Mrs. Ross, author of The modern calypso, &c. &c. Ross , Mrs. (Author)
Publisher Paris chit-chat; or A view of the society, manners customs, literature, and amusements of the Parisians, being a translation of "Guillaume le franc-parleur," and sequel to the "Paris spectator." Jouy , Étienne de (Author)
Bailey , Lydia R. (Printer)
Publisher Patience and perseverance; or, The modern Griselda. A domestic tale. In two volumes. By Mrs. Hofland, author of The maid of Moscow; Says she to her neighbour, What? &c. Hofland , Barbara (Author)
Publisher Popular models, and impressive warnings for the sons and daughters of industry. By Mrs. Grant. Late of Duthil. Grant , Beatrice (Author)
Publisher Rhoda: a novel. By the author of 'Things by their right names,' 'Plain sense,' &c. From the second London edition. In two volumes. Jacob , Elizabeth (Author)
Publisher Tales of Fancy: by S.H. Burney, Author of "Clarentine," "Geraldine Fauconberg," and "Traits of Nature." Burney , Sarah Harriet (Author)
Publisher The Awful doom of murderers. Bailey , Lydia R. (Printer)
Unknown , (Author)
Publisher The heart and the fancy, or, Valsinore. A tale. By Miss Benger. Benger , Elizabeth Ogilvy (Author)
Bailey , Lydia R. (Printer)
Publisher The present of a mistress to a young servant; consisting of friendly advice and real histories. By Mrs. Taylor, of Ongar. Author of 'Maternal solicitude,' and 'Practical hints to young females.' Taylor , Ann Martin (Author)
Publisher The ward of Delamere. A tale. In two volumes. By Mrs. Pinchard, author of "Mystery and confidence, The blind child," &c. Pinchard , Elizabeth Sibthorpe (Author)
Publisher Trecothick bower; or, The lady of the west country. A tale. In two volumes. By Regina Maria Roche, author of The children of the Abbey; Discarded son; Houses of Osma and Almeria; Monastery at St. colomb; Vicar of Lansdowne, &c. &c. Roche , Regina Maria (Author)
Publisher Valentine's Eve. By Mrs. Opie. Three volumes in two. Opie , Amelia (Author)
Bookseller Jane of France, an historical novel, by Madame de Genlis. Translated from the French. Two volumes in one. du Crest de Saint-Aubin , Stéphanie Félicité (Author)
Publisher A series of popular essays, illustrative of principles essentially connected with the improvement of the understanding, the imagination, and the heart. By Elizabeth Hamilton, author of Letters on the elementary principles of education, Cottagers of Glenburnie, &c. In two volumes. Hamilton , Elizabeth (Author)

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"Mathew Carey [121 Chesnut Street]." The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Firm ID 5403, https://womensprinthistoryproject.com/firm/5403. Accessed 2024-09-07.

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