ID 56
Name Robert Baldwin, Charles Cradock, and William Joy
Gender Male
Street Address 47 Paternoster Row
City London
Start Date 1815
End Date 1828
Sources British Book Trade Index 3247
British Book Trade Index 3232
Related Firms Charles Cradock and William Joy
Charles Cradock and William Joy (late Oftell)
Robert Baldwin and Charles Cradock
Robert Baldwin III


Displaying 51–75 of 186

Firm Role Title Contributors Date
Publisher The Cowslip, or More Cautionary Stories, in Verse. By the author of that much-admired little work entitled "The Daisy." Fifth edition. Turner , Elizabeth (Author)
Publisher The Daisy, or Cautionary Stories, in Verse. Adapted to the Ideas of Children from Four to Eight Years Old. Embellished with Thirty Engravings on Wood. The Sixth Edition. Turner , Elizabeth (Author)
Publisher The Hero; or, The Adventures of the Night: A Romance. Translated from the Arabic into Iroquese; from the Iroquese into Hottentot; from the Hottentot into French; and from the French into English. In Two Volumes. Bellin de la Liborlière , Louis François Marie (Author)
Shedden , Sophia Elizabeth (Translator)
Publisher The Parent's Assistant; or, Stories for Children. By Maria Edgeworth. In Six Volumes. ... A New Edition. Edgeworth , Maria (Author)
Publisher The Quakers. A Tale. By Elizabeth B. Lester. Lester , Elizabeth B. (Author)
Publisher The Works of the Right Honorable Lady Mary Wortley Montagu. Including Her Correspondence, Poems, and Essays. Published, by Permission, from Her Genuine Papers. The Sixth Edition. In Five Volumes. Montagu , Mary Wortley (Author)
Dallaway , James (Editor)
Bookseller Benignity; or, The Ways of Happiness. A Serious Novel. Selected (with additional conversations,) from the works of Henry Brooke, Esq. By a lady. Unknown , [Woman] (Author)
Publisher A Puzzle for a Curious Girl. The fifth edition. Kilner , Elizabeth (Author)
Publisher A Year and A Day. A Novel. In Two Volumes. By Madame Panache, author of Manners. Moore , Frances (Author)
Publisher An introduction to Botany, in a series of familiar letters. with illustrative engravings. By Priscilla Wakefield, author of "Mental Improvement," "Juvenile Travellers," &c. Corrected, to which is added, The Pleasures of Botanical Pursuits. A poem. By Sarah Hoare. Hoare , Sarah (Author)
Wakefield , Priscilla (Author)
Publisher Castles in the Air; or, The Whims of My Aunt. A Novel. By the Authoress of "Dunethvin; or, A Visit to Paris." In Three Volumes. Unknown , [Woman] (Author)
Publisher Columbus, or, The discovery of America. As related by a father to his children, and designed for the instruction of youth. Translated from the German of J.H. Campe (author of the New Robinson Crusoe) by Elisabeth Helme (Author of History of England, Scotland, Rome, &c. &c. A new edition: With the translators last corrections and improvements Campe , Joachim Heinrich (Author)
Helme , Elizabeth (Translator)
Publisher Early lessons. In two volumes. By Maria Edgeworth. Sixth edition. Edgeworth , Maria (Author)
Publisher Tales of Fashionable Life, by Miss Edgeworth, author of 'Practical Education,' 'Belinda,' 'Castle Rackrent,' 'Essay on Irish Bulls,' &c. In six volumes. A New Edition. Edgeworth , Maria (Author)
Edgeworth , Richard Lovell (Introducer)
Publisher The Bard of the West; Commonly calle Eman Ac Knuck, or Ned of the Hills. An Irish Historical Romance, founded on facts of the seventh century. In Three Volumes. By Mrs. Peck, author of the "Maid of Avon," "Welch Peasant Boy," "Young Rosinière," "Vaga," &c. Peck , Frances (Author)
Publisher The Temple of Truth. A Poem, in Five Cantos. By Sarah Renou, author of "Village Conversations, or the Vicar's Fire-side" Renou , Sarah (Author)
Bookseller Redwald; a Tale of Mona: And Other Poems. By Louisa Stuart Costello. Costello , Louisa Stuart (Author)
Publisher A short history of France: from the foundation of the empire by Pharamond to the restoration of Louis XVIII. Illustrated by 32 engravings, from original designs, and intended as a continuation of a series of historical books for children of the late Mrs. Trimmer, by her daughter, Mrs. Moore. Moore , Charlotte Trimmer (Author)
Publisher A Year and A Day. A Novel. In Two Volumes. Second Edition. By Madame Panache, author of Manners. Moore , Frances (Author)
Publisher Affection's gift to a beloved god-child by M.H. Hedge , Mary Anne (Author)
Publisher An easy introduction to the knowledge of nature, and reading the holy scriptures: adapted to the capacities of children. By Mrs. Trimmer. The Sixteenth Edition. With considerable additions and improvements. Trimmer , Sarah (Author)
Publisher Harry's holiday, or, The doings of one who had nothing to do. By Jefferys Taylor. Taylor , Jefferys (Author)
Taylor , Jane (Introducer)
Publisher Lessons for children. In four parts. Part III. Being the second, for children of three years old. Barbauld , Anna Laetitia (Author)
Publisher Letters on the Events which have passed in France since the Restoration in 1815. By Helen Maria Williams. Williams , Helen Maria (Author)
Publisher Melcombe Lodge; or, Traits of Family Pride! A Novel, in Four Volumes. By a Lady. Unknown , [Woman] (Author)

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"Robert Baldwin, Charles Cradock, and William Joy" The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Firm ID 56, Accessed 2025-03-30.

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