ID 6011
Name Samuel Manship
Gender Male
Street Address the Ship near the Royal Exchange
City London
Start Date 1686
End Date 1717


Displaying 1–10 of 10

Firm Role Title Contributors Date
Publisher The light risen in darkness. In four parts. Being a collection of letters written to several persons, upon great and important subjects. ... With a large explication of the 24. and 25. chapters of St. Matthew's gospel. By Antonia Bourignon. Done out of the French. Bourignon , Antoinette (Author)
Publisher The light risen in darkness. In four parts. Being a collection of letters written to several persons, upon great and important subjects. Very profitable for the Common Instruction and Conduct of all who seek God in Sincerity: But in a Special manner for detecting the Lamentable decay of the Life and Spirit of Christianity now at this time, and directing to the proper means of recovering it. With a large explication of the 24. and 25. chapters of St. Matthew's gospel. By Antonia Bourignon. Done out of the French. Bourignon , Antoinette (Author)
Publisher Letters concerning the love of God, between the author of The proposal to the ladies and Mr. John Norris: Wherein his late Discourse, shewing, That it ought to be intire and exclusive of all other Loves, is further Cleared and Justified. Published by J. Norris, M. A. Rector of Bemerton near Sarum. The second edition, corrected by the authors, with some few things added. Astell , Mary (Author)
Norris , John (Author)
Publisher Letters concerning the love of God, between the author of the Proposal to the Ladies and Mr. John Norris: Wherein his late discourse, shewing, that it ought to be intire and exclusive of all other loves, is further cleared and justified. Published by J. Norris, M.A. Rector of Bemerton near Sarum. The second edition, corrected by the authors, with some few things added. Astell , Mary (Author)
Norris , John (Author)
Publisher The Gentleman’s Recreations: in Three Parts. The first part contains a short and easie introduction to all the liberal arts and sciences, &c. The second treats of horsemanship, hawking, hunting, fowling, fishing, agriculture, &c. Done from the most Authentick Authors, especially several lately Printed at Paris, as may be seen in the Preface; with great Enlargements, made by those well Experienced in the respective Recreations. The third is a compleat body of all our forest, chace, and game-laws, as they are at this Time. The whole illustrated with near an hundred copper-cuts relating to several Subjects, particular all Sorts of Nets, Engines, Traps, &c. are added for the Taking of Wild-Beasts, Fowl, Fish, &c. not hitherto Publish'd by any. The Second Edition Corrected, with near one half of additions. Blome , Richard (Compiler)
Bonwicke , Rebecca (Publisher)
Publisher Essays upon several subjects in prose and verse. Written by the Lady Chudleigh. Chudleigh , Mary Lee (Author)
Bonwicke , Rebecca (Publisher)
Publisher Thirty sermons preached on several occasions. By Edward Waple, B. D. Late Vicar of St. Sepulchres, and Archdeacon of Taunton Waple , Edward (Author)
Bonwicke , Rebecca (Publisher)
Publisher A dictionary, English-Latin, and Latin-English, containing all things necessary for the translating of either language into other. To which End, Many Things that were Erroneous are Rectified, many Superfluities Retrenched, and very many Defects Supplied. And All suited to the meanest Capacities, in a plainer Method than heretofore: Being (for Ease) reduced into an Alphabetical Order, and Explained in the Mother-Tongue. And Towards the Compleating the English Part (which hath been long desired) here are added Thousands of Words, Phrases, Proverbs Proper Names, and many other useful Things mentioned in the Preface to the work. The eighth edition, enlarged. By Elisha Coles, Late of Magd. Coll. Oxon. Coles , Elisha (Author)
Collins , Susannah (Printer)
Bonwicke , Rebecca (Publisher)
Publisher An English dictionary, explaining the difficult terms that are used in divinity, husbandry, physick, philosophy, law, navigation, mathematicks, and other arts and sciences. Containing many thousand of hard words (and proper names of places) more than are in any other English dictionary or expositor: together with the etymological derivation of them from their proper fountains, whether, Hebrew, Greek, Latin, French, or any other language. In a method more comprehensive than any that is extant. By E. Coles, schoolmaster, and teacher of the tongue to foreigners. Coles , Elisha (Author)
Collins , Susannah (Printer)
Publisher Colloquiorum Desiderii Erasmi Roterodami familiarium opus aureum. Cum scholiis quibusdam perquam eruditis, quae difficiliora passim loca diligenter explicant. Editio triplici nomine commendatissima. 1. Collatis optimis usquequaque exemplaribus. 2. Additis seorsim in fronte Argumentis unicuique Colloquio. 3. Adjecto Indice novo rerum & verborum memorabiliorum locupletissimo. Denuò recensita & emendata Erasmus , Desiderius (Author)
Bonwicke , Rebecca (Publisher)

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"Samuel Manship" The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Firm ID 6011, Accessed 2025-03-28.

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