ID 6554
Name Solomon White Conrad
Gender Male
Street Address 87 Market Street
City Philadelphia
Start Date 1801
End Date
Sources Wikipedia (#
Notes Life dates 1779-1831.


Displaying 1–7 of 7

Firm Role Title Contributors Date
Printer Devout exercises of the heart, in meditation and soliloquy, prayer and praise. By the late pious and ingenious Mrs. Elizabeth Rowe. Abridged for the use of the Methodist Society. Rowe , Elizabeth Singer (Author)
Printer Preuves de la nécessité de s'attendre en silence, pour rendre un hommage solemnel a Dieu. Auxquelles sont ajoutés quelques passages tirés de l'apologie de Robert Barclay. Par Marie Brook. Ouvrage traduit de l'anglois par E.P. Bridel. Bridel , Edmund Philip (Translator)
Barclay , Robert (Author)
Brook , Mary (Author)
Printer The Search after happiness: a pastoral drama. A new edition. More , Hannah (Author)
Stothard , Thomas (Illustrator)
Tanner , Benjamin (Engraver)
Publisher Original poems, for infant minds. By several young persons. In two volumes. Ornamented with twenty elegant wood cuts. Taylor (later Gilbert) , Ann (Author)
Taylor, Jr. , Isaac (Author)
O'Keeffe , Adelaide (Author)
and 3 more.
Publisher Julia and the pet-lamb; or, Good temper and compassion rewarded. Bailey , Lydia R. (Printer)
Publisher Scientific Dialogues. Intended for the Instruction and Entertainment of Young People: In Which the First Principles of Natural and Experimental Philosophy are Fully Explained. ... By the Rev. J. Joyce. A New Edition, Corrected and Improved. Joyce , Jeremiah (Author)
Bower , John (Engraver)
Publisher An introduction to botany, in a series of familiar letters, with illustrative engravings. By Priscilla Wakefield, author of Mental improvement, Leisure hours, &c. The third American edition. To which are added, a catalogue of the most approved English names of the principal native and naturalized American plants, alphabetically arranged; with the names of the genera, and the classes and orders to which they respectively belong; according to the system of Linnaeus:--and a glossary of botanical terms. Wakefield , Priscilla (Author)

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"Solomon White Conrad" The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Firm ID 6554, Accessed 2025-03-28.

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