There are 114 titles associated with this firm.

Defoe, Daniel. A hymn to the mob. London: 1715.
Unknown, . Truth, truth, truth: London: 1715.
Unknown, . A Collection of the occasional papers for the year 1716. With a preface. London: James Knapton, John Harrison, Anne Dodd I, 1716.
Owen, Charles. A vindication of plain-dealing, from the base and malicious aspersions of two country curates. London: Emanuel Matthews, John Harrison, Anne Dodd I, 1716.
Unknown, . The occasional paper. Numb. VII. The nature and obligation of oaths. London: Rebecca Burleigh, John Harrison, Anne Dodd I, 1716.
C., J.. The rational dissenter, soberly professing his stedfast belief in thirty nine articles. By J. C. London: Emanuel Matthews, John Harrison, Anne Dodd I, 1716.
Unknown, . A collection of the occasional papers for the year 1716. With a preface. London: James Knapton, John Harrison, Anne Dodd I, 1716-1718.
Wright, Samuel, Moses Lowman, Benjamin Avery, Simon Browne, Benjamin Grosvenor, Jabez Earle, and John Evans. [Vol 1:] A Collection of the Occasional papers. For the year 1716 with a Preface [Vol 2:] A Collection of the Occasional papers. For the year 1717 with a Preface; and a Table of Contents, to both Volumes [Vol 3:] A Collection of the Occasional papers. For the year 1718 with a Preface; and a Table of Contents. London: James Knapton, John Harrison, Anne Dodd I, Emanuel Matthews, James Roberts [Warwick Lane], 1716-1719.
Owen, Charles. The dissenters claim of right to a capacity for civil offices. London: Emanuel Matthews, 1717.
Unknown, . The faction: a poem on the new Jacobite and Swedish conspiracy. London: Sarah Popping, John Harrison, Anne Dodd I, 1717.
Unknown, . The occasional paper. Vol. II. Numb. IV. Of removing the incapacities of Protestant dissenters. London: James Knapton, John Harrison, Anne Dodd I, 1717.
Unknown, . The Occasional paper. Vol. II. Numb. IX. of societies for reformation of manners; with an address to magistrates. London: James Knapton, James Roberts [Warwick Lane], John Harrison, Anne Dodd I, 1717.
Unknown, . The occasional paper. Vol. II. Numb. V. Of political friendship. London: James Knapton, John Harrison, Anne Dodd I, 1717.
Browne, Simon, Benjamin Avery, Benjamin Grosvenor, Samuel Wright, John Evans, Jabez Earle, Nathaniel Lardner, and Moses Lowman. A collection of the occasional papers for the year 1717. Vol. II. With a preface; and a table of contents, to both volumes. London: Emanuel Matthews, James Knapton, James Roberts [Warwick Lane], John Harrison, Anne Dodd I, 1718.
Unknown, . A collection of the occasional papers for the year 1717. Vol. II. With a preface; and a table of contents, to both volumes. London: James Knapton, Emanuel Matthews, James Roberts [Warwick Lane], John Harrison, Anne Dodd I, 1718.
Unknown, . An essay on the pride of authors. London: James Knapton, James Roberts [Warwick Lane], John Harrison, Anne Dodd I, 1718.
Unknown, . The occasional paper. Number I. An essay on bigotry. London: James Knapton, James Robertson [15 Nicholson], John Harrison, Anne Dodd I, 1718.
Unknown, . The occasional paper. Vol. II. Numb. XI. Letters to the author. London: James Knapton, James Roberts [Warwick Lane], John Harrison, Anne Dodd I, 1718.
Unknown, . The occasional paper. Vol. II. Numb. XII. An essay on the Pride of authors. London: James Knapton, James Roberts [Warwick Lane], John Harrison, Anne Dodd I, 1718.
Unknown, . The occasional paper. Vol. III. Numb. I. of retractations. London: James Knapton, Emanuel Matthews, James Roberts [Warwick Lane], John Harrison, Anne Dodd I, 1718.
Unknown, . The occasional paper. Vol. III. Numb. IX. Of plays and masquerades. London: Emanuel Matthews, James Roberts [Warwick Lane], 1719.
Browne, Simon, Benjamin Avery, Benjamin Grosvenor, Samuel Wright, John Evans, Jabez Earle, Nathaniel Lardner, and Moses Lowman. A collection of the occasional papers for the year 1718. Vol. III. With a preface; and a table of contents. London: Emanuel Matthews, James Roberts [Warwick Lane], John Harrison, Anne Dodd I, 1719.
Unknown, . Christian liberty asserted: In Opposition to Protestant Popery. In a letter to Mr. Thomas Bradbury. By a Dissenting Lay-Man. London: James Roberts [Warwick Lane], Anne Dodd I, John Harrison, 1719.
Unknown, [Man]. Some considerations humbly offer'd, relating to the peerage of Great Britain. By a gentleman. London: Bezaleel Creake, Anne Dodd I, John Harrison, 1719.
Unknown, . The Occasional paper. Vol. III. Numb. IX. of plays and masquerades. The Second Edition. London: Emanuel Matthews, James Roberts [Warwick Lane], John Harrison, Anne Dodd I, 1719.
Lowman, Moses. The occasional paper. Vol. III. Numb. XI. An essay to prevent uncharitable contentions about the doctrine of the trinity. London: Emanuel Matthews, James Roberts [Warwick Lane], John Harrison, Anne Dodd I, 1719.
Savage, Samuel. The sufficiency and perfection of the Holy Scriptures, as a rule of faith and manners. London: James Roberts [Warwick Lane], John Harrison, Anne Dodd I, 1719.
Unknown, . The Synod. London: James Roberts [Warwick Lane], John Harrison, Anne Dodd I, 1719.
Unknown, . Reasons for the strict observation of the King's peace on the solemn fast of the thirtieth of January. London: James Roberts [Warwick Lane], John Harrison, Anne Dodd I, 1720.
Unknown, . The prude, a tale: in two canto's. London: James Roberts [Warwick Lane], John Harrison, Anne Dodd I, Samuel Huddleston, E. Griffith, 1722.