A second letter to Dr. Biss. Occasioned by some alterations made in his third edition of his sermons. Upon the beauty of holiness in the Common-prayer. By W. J. author of the first.
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J., W.. A second letter to Dr. Biss. Occasioned by some alterations made in his third edition of his sermons. Upon the beauty of holiness in the Common-prayer. By W. J. author of the first.The Women's Print History Project, 2019, title ID 25233, https://womensprinthistoryproject.com/title/25233. Accessed 2025-03-14.
J., W.. A second letter to Dr. Biss. Occasioned by some alterations made in his third edition of his sermons. Upon the beauty of holiness in the Common-prayer. By W. J. author of the first. London: John Harrison, Anne Dodd I, 1717.
@book{ wphp_25233 author={J.,W.}, year={1717}, title={A second letter to Dr. Biss. Occasioned by some alterations made in his third edition of his sermons. Upon the beauty of holiness in the Common-prayer. By W. J. author of the first.}, publisher={John Harrison \& Anne Dodd I}, address={London}, }
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