Name Religion/Biblical

Titles about religious or spiritual belief, or biblical history.


Displaying 1–25 of 1622

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
18753 'Tis all for the best More , Hannah
1818 4th edit. 6000.
4381 'Tis all for the best, or the history of Mrs. Simpson. More , Hannah
4400 'Tis all for the best, or the history of Mrs. Simpson. More , Hannah
18767 'Tis all for the best: Exemplified in the character of Mrs. Simpson. To which is added, The Grand Assizes; or, General Jail Delivery, &c. &c. &c. More , Hannah
18750 'Tis all for the best. More , Hannah
Burder , George
Brainerd , David
Evans , J.
18751 'Tis all for the best. More , Hannah
18752 'Tis All for the Best. More , Hannah
18754 'Tis all for the best. More , Hannah
The Religious Tract Society of Philadelphia (Philadelphia)
18761 'Tis all for the best. An interesting moral tract. Illustrating the happy effects resulting from a confidence in the equity of divine providence. By Miss Hannah More More , Hannah
18760 'Tis all for the best. An interesting moral tract. Illustrating the happy effects resulting from a confidence in the equity of divine providence. By Miss Hannah More. More , Hannah
18762 'Tis all for the best. An interesting narrative of Mrs. Simpson. By Miss Hannah More More , Hannah
21475 'Tis all for the best. By Miss Hannah More. More , Hannah
Philadelphia Female Tract Society [Walnut Street] (Philadelphia)
18765 'Tis all for the best. Entertaining, moral, and religious. Written by Miss Hannah More. More , Hannah
18766 'Tis all for the best. Entertaining, moral, and religious. Written by Miss Hannah More. More , Hannah
21129 "The Blessed Reformation." Martin Luther, portrayed by himself, contrasted with Martin Luther, portrayed by the Rev. Messrs. Shoeffers, pastors of the Evangelical Lutheran Church:--the one in the city of New York, and the other in Fredericktown, Maryland, in their sermons, preached on the thirty-first of October, 1817. On occasion of the Third Centurial Jubilee of the Reformation. By the Rev. John W. Beschter. Beschter , John William
Bernard Dornin (Philadelphia)
17851 "The entrance of Thy word giveth light, it giveth understanding to the simple." Exemplified in the short life and triumphant death of Miss Sophia Hoare; who departed this life the 24th of September, 1817, in the fourteenth year of her age Hoare , Rachel
The Religious Tract Society of Philadelphia (Philadelphia)
6066 "Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God "in vain, for he will not hold him guiltless, that "taketh his Name in vain." Was this high and holy command more seriously considered, and the awful consequences of disobeying it taken home by all ranks of people, ... King , Martha
s.n. [sine nomine]
24605 [God's mercy surmounting man's cruelty, exemplified in the captivity and redemption of Elizabeth Hanson, wife of John Hanson, of Knoxmarsh at Keacheachy, in Dover-township, who was taken captive with her children and maid-servant, by the Indians in New-England, in the year 1724. In which are inserted, sundry remarkable preservations, deliverances, and marks of the care and kindness of providence over her and her children, worthy to be remembered. The substance of which was taken from her own mouth, and now published for a general service. Hanson , Elizabeth
13651 [The Death of Abel ... Attempted from the German of Mr. Gessner [by Mary Collyer]. Stereotype edition. Gessner , Salomon
1814 Stereotype edition
13652 [The Death of Abel ... Attempted from the German of Mr. Gessner [by Mary Collyer]. Stereotype edition.] With a sketch of the life of the author. To which is now first added, the Death of Cain, in five books ... to which is subjoined, Death, a vision, ... under the similitude of a dream: by J. Macgowan Gessner , Salomon
MacGowan , John
13649 [The Death of Abel ... Attempted from the German of Mr. Gessner [by Mary Collyer]. Stereotype edition.] With original notes by F. Shoberl. To which is added, Death, a vision ... By J. Macgowan. Albion Press Edition Gessner , Salomon
MacGowan , John
13659 [The Death of Abel ... Translated ... by Mrs. Collyer ... to which is added, The Death of Cain [by William H. Hall] ... likewise, The Life of Joseph ... and Death, a Vision ... by John Macgowan. Kelly's improved edition ... with engravings.] Gessner , Salomon
Hall , William
MacGowan , John
Thomas Kelly (London)
13654 [The Death of Abel, etc. [Translated by Mary Collyer.]] Gessner , Salomon
24619 [The espousals or A passionate perswasive to a marriage with the Lamb of God, wherein the sinners misery and the redeemers glory is unvailed in. A sermon upon Gen. 24 49. Preach'd at N. Brunswyck, June the 22d, 1735. By Gilbert Tennent, A.M. and Minister of the Gospel there. ...] Tennent , Gilbert
16885 A bridle for the ass, and a rod for the fool's back: Containing an answer to a book entitled A seal upon the lips of Unitarians, Trinitarians, and all others who refuse to acknowledge the sole, supreme, and exclusive divinity of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ; containing illustrations of one hundred and forty-four passages in the four Evangelists and the Apocalpyse, in proof that Jesus Christ is the supreme and only God of heaven and earth. By Robert Hindmarsh. By Catharine Charleton. Charleton , Catharine