Name Religion/Biblical

Titles about religious or spiritual belief, or biblical history.


Displaying 26–50 of 1619

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
2170 A brief account of the gracious dealings of God, with a poor, sinful, unworthy creature, in three parts. Relating to Part I. The Work of Divine Grace on the Heart, in a Saving Conversion to Christ, and to some Establishment in Him. Part II. A Train of Special Providences attending Life, by which the Work of Faith was carried on with Power. Part III. Some particular Experiences of the Lord's Goodness in bringing out several little Tracts, to the Furtherance and Joy of Faith. With an appendix. And a letter prefixed, on the lawfulness of a woman's appearing in print. By A.D. Dutton , Anne
22257 A brief account of the gracious dealings of God, with a poor, sinful, unworthy creature, relating to the work of divine grace on the heart, in a saving conversion to Christ, and to some establishment in Him. Part I. By A.D Dutton , Anne
20234 A Brief Account of the Religious Experience, Sickness and Death, of the late pious Miss Mary M. Tooker: taken from her own mouth by two female friends, A. E. and P. B. a few weeks before her departure. Tooker , Mary Magdalen
A. E. ,
P. B. ,
18135 A brief account of the vision and death of the late Lord Lyttleton; to which is added, an anecdote of Lord Kaimes, and the melancholy end of a profligate young man Knowles , Mary
25672 A brief enquiry concerning the dignity of the ordinance of the Lord's supper, and the care that all especially magistrates and ministers ought to take to prevent and remove the occasions of its being lessened. Ford , John
John Peele (London)
24554 A brief essay on the number seven: often occuring [sic] in the Holy Scripture; or Of paradice [sic], lost and found. By a well wisher to truth [Seven lines of Scripture texts] Unknown ,
2045 A catechism for children of all denominations. By Anna Maria Van Der Lende. For the benefit of poor children. Van der Lende , Anna Maria
7595 A caution to all such as observe days and times called festivals; that they spend them not in rioting, revelling, wantonness, &c. Hume , Sophia
s.n. [sine nomine]
7576 A caution to such as observe days and times: to which is added, an address to magistrates, parents, masters of families, &c. By Sophia Hume. The fifth edition. Hume , Sophia
1766 The fifth edition.
7579 A caution to such as observe days and times: to which is added, an address to magistrates, parents, masters of families, &c. By Sophia Hume. The fourth edition. Hume , Sophia
1765 The fourth edition.
7594 A caution to such as observe days and times. Fourth edition. Hume , Sophia
1777 Fourth edition.
7601 A caution to such as observe days and times. To which is added, an address to magistrates, parents, and masters of families, &c. By S. H. Hume , Sophia
s.n. [sine nomine]
7620 A caution to such as observe days and times. To which is added, an address to magistrates, parents, and masters of families, &c. By S.H. Hume , Sophia
s.n. [sine nomine]
14262 A charge delivered from the chair, at a general meeting of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, at their house, in Bartlett's Buildings, Holborn, on Tuesday, April 4, 1797, to the Rev. William Toby Ringeltaube, and the Rev. Immanuel Gottfreid Holzberg, then about to embark for the East Indies, as missionaries to the heathen, by John Owen, B.A. A member of that Society, and sometime chaplain to the presidency of Bengal. Published at the unanimous request of the board. Owen , John
Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge (London)
25182 A charge of partiality, imposition, and assuming authority in matters of faith, fix'd on the subscribers at Salters-Hall; and made good from what they have offer'd in their own vindication. In a letter to a friend. Unknown ,
James Roberts [Warwick Lane] (London)
John Harrison (Cornhill)
Anne Dodd I (London)
7481 A Christian's duty briefly set forth. There is nothing that I ought to wish for so much, as to have my heart clean in the sight of God, so that after I die, my soul may be happy for ever. But how may I secure to myself this blessing? By performing with the assistance of his grace, my duty to him, my duty to my neighbour, and my duty to myself. Grubb , Sarah
21175 A Circular to the members of St. Mary's congregation. Discord has existed in this congregation for nearly two years, to the scandal of its members, and the discredit of the church. 1814
6555 A clear and remarkable display of the condescension, love and faithfulness of God, in the spiritual experiences of Mary Somervel. Wherein is shewn, her near access to the throne of grace; her remarkable discoveries and sweet enjoyment of the love of God; the sensible and particular returns of prayer she received; as also her personal engagements to the Lord. Printed from her own manuscript. Somervel , Mary
6559 A clear and remarkable display of the condescension, Love and Faithfulness of God, in the spiritual experiences of Mary Somervel. Wherein is shewn, her near access to the throne of grace: her remarkable discoveries and sweet enjoyment of true love of God; the sensible an particular returns of prayer she received; as also her personal engagements to the Lord. Printed from her own manuscript. Somervel , Mary
25503 A collection of forms of prayer for every day in the week. The Fifth Edition. Wesley , John
1755 The Fifth Edition.
13355 A Collection of Hymns, from various authors. Intended as a supplement to Dr. Watts's Hymns, and Imitation of the Psalms. Watts , Isaac
Burder , George
23847 A collection of meditations and devotions, in three parts. I. Meditations on the creation. II. Meditations and devotions on the life of Christ. III. Daily devotions and Thanks-Givings, &c. By the first reformer of the Devotions in the ancient way of offices; afterwards reviewed and set forth by the late Learned Dr. Hickes. Published by N. Spinckes, M.A. Hopton , Susannah
Daniel Midwinter I (London)
Nathaniel Spinckes (London)
25841 A Collection of papers, lately printed in the daily advertiser. Containing, I. A letter from the Rev. Mr. Whitefield to a friend in London, dated at New-Brunswick in New-Jersey, April 27, 1740. II. A letter from the Rev. Mr. Whitefield, to the inhabitants of Maryland, Virginia, North and South-Carolina. III. A letter from the Rev. Mr. Whitefield to a friend in London; shewing the fundamental error of a book called The Whole Duty of Man. IV. A letter from the Rev. Mr. Whitefield, at Georgia, to a friend in London, wherein he vindicates his asserting, that Archbishop Tillotson knew no more of true Christianity than Mahomet. V. A second letter on the same subject. VI. Some observations on the Rev. Mr. Whitefield and his opposers. VII. The manner of the childrens spending their time at the Orphan-House in Georgia. Whitefield , George
9729 A Collection of Prayers for Household Use, with a Few Hymns and Other Poems. Harper , Catherine
J. Parker [Oxford] (Oxford)
Charles and John Rivington (London)
23716 A collection of prophetical warnings, pronoune'd under the operation of the holy eternal spirit, to the inhabitants in and about the city of Bristol, &c. By the following persons, viz. Mary Beer, Mary Keemer, Ann Watts. Beer , Mary
Watts , Ann
Keemer , Mary
Thomas Whitehead (Bristol)