[The Death of Abel ... Attempted from the German of Mr. Gessner [by Mary Collyer]. Stereotype edition.] With a sketch of the life of the author. To which is now first added, the Death of Cain, in five books ... to which is subjoined, Death, a vision, ... under the similitude of a dream: by J. Macgowan
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Gessner, Salomon, MacGowan, John. [The Death of Abel ... Attempted from the German of Mr. Gessner [by Mary Collyer]. Stereotype edition.] With a sketch of the life of the author. To which is now first added, the Death of Cain, in five books ... to which is subjoined, Death, a vision, ... under the similitude of a dream: by J. MacgowanThe Women's Print History Project, 2019, title ID 13652, https://womensprinthistoryproject.com/title/13652. Accessed 2025-03-24.
Gessner, Salomon and John MacGowan. [The Death of Abel ... Attempted from the German of Mr. Gessner [by Mary Collyer]. Stereotype edition.] With a sketch of the life of the author. To which is now first added, the Death of Cain, in five books ... to which is subjoined, Death, a vision, ... under the similitude of a dream: by J. Macgowan. Oxford: 1814.
Gessner , S., & MacGowan , J. (1814). [the death of abel ... attempted from the german of mr. gessner [by mary collyer]. stereotype edition.] with a sketch of the life of the author. to which is now first added, the death of cain, in five books ... to which is subjoined, death, a vision, ... under the similitude of a dream: by j. macgowan. Oxford:
Gessner, Salomon, and John MacGowan. [The Death of Abel ... Attempted from the German of Mr. Gessner [by Mary Collyer]. Stereotype edition.] With a sketch of the life of the author. To which is now first added, the Death of Cain, in five books ... to which is subjoined, Death, a vision, ... under the similitude of a dream: by J. Macgowan. Oxford: 1814.
@book{ wphp_13652 author={Gessner,Salomon and MacGowan,John}, year={1814}, title={[The Death of Abel ... Attempted from the German of Mr. Gessner [by Mary Collyer]. Stereotype edition.] With a sketch of the life of the author. To which is now first added, the Death of Cain, in five books ... to which is subjoined, Death, a vision, ... under the similitude of a dream: by J. Macgowan}, publisher={}, address={Oxford}, }
Suggestions and Comments for [The Death of Abel ... Attempted from the German of Mr. Gessner [by Mary Collyer]. Stereotype edition.] With a sketch of the life of the author. To which is now first added, the Death of Cain, in five books ... to which is subjoined, Death, a vision, ... under the similitude of a dream: by J. Macgowan