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Unknown. Reflections on the management of some late party-disputes, and the notorious abuse of the words church, Schismatick, fanatick, &c. and upon the present conduct of those called High-Church, Shewing how Destructive it hath been both to Religion and Civil Society. With a postscript to the present jacobites.The Women's Print History Project, 2019, title ID 25928, Accessed 2025-03-25.

@book{ wphp_25928
  title={Reflections on the management of some late party-disputes, and the notorious abuse of the words church, Schismatick, fanatick, &c. and upon the present conduct of those called High-Church, Shewing how Destructive it hath been both to Religion and Civil Society. With a postscript to the present jacobites.},
  address={London},    }

Suggestions and Comments for Reflections on the management of some late party-disputes, and the notorious abuse of the words church, Schismatick, fanatick, &c. and upon the present conduct of those called High-Church, Shewing how Destructive it hath been both to Religion and Civil Society. With a postscript to the present jacobites.
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