ID 83
Name Henry Colburn [Conduit Street]
Gender Unknown
Street Address English and Foreign Circulating Library, 48-50 Conduit Street, Hanover Square
City London
Start Date 1806
End Date 1824


Displaying 26–50 of 91

Firm Role Title Contributors Date
Publisher The History of Myself and My Friend, A Novel: By Anne Plumptre. In Four Volumes. Plumptre , Anne (Author)
Publisher The Lady of Martendyke; An Historical Tale of the Fifteenth Century. By a Lady. In Four Volumes. Phibbs , Mary (Author)
Publisher The Sons of the Viscount and the Daughters of the Earl. A Novel, depicting Recent Scenes in Fashionable Life. By a Lady. In Four Volumes. Davenport , Selina (Author)
Publisher The Wife and the Lover. A Novel, By Miss Holcroft. In Three Volumes. Holcroft , Fanny (Author)
Publisher Traits of Nature. By Miss Burney, author of Clarentine, &c. In five volumes. Burney , Sarah Harriet (Author)
Publisher Travels in the Morea, Albania, and Other Parts of the Ottoman Empire, Comprehending a General Description of Those Countries; Their Productions; the Manners, Customs, and Commerce of the Inhabitants: a Comparison between the Ancient and Present State of Greece: and an Historical and Geographical Description of the Ancient Epirus. By F. C. Pouqueville, M.D. Member of the Commission of Arts and Sciences, &c. Translated from the French by Anne Plumptre. Illustrated with Engravings. Pouqueville , François Charles Hugues Laurent (Author)
Plumptre , Anne (Translator)
Publisher Voyages and Travels in Various Parts of the World, during the Years 1803, 1804, 1805, 1806, and 1807. By G. H. von Langsdorff, Aulic Counsellor to His Majesty the Emperor of Russia, Consul-General at the Brazils, Knight of the Order of St. Anne, and Member of Various Academies and Learned Societies. Illustrated by Engravings from Original Drawings. Plumptre , Anne (Translator)
Langsdorff , Georg Heinrich von (Author)
Publisher Zulma, and Other Tales: To Which is Prefixed an Essay on Fictions. By the Baroness de Stael Holstein. Translated from the French. In Two Volumes. de Staël von Holstein , Anne Louise Germaine (Author)
Publisher Amabel; or, Memoirs of A Woman of Fashion. By Mrs. Hervey. Author of the Mourtray Family, &c. In Four Volumes. Hervey , Elizabeth (Author)
Publisher Klopstock and His Friends: A Series of Familiar Letters, written between the years 1750 and 1803. Translated from the German, with a Biographical Introduction. bu Miss Benger. Benger , Elizabeth Ogilvy (Translator)
Publisher Lorimer, A Tale. Aikin , Lucy (Author)
Publisher Muscovy; a Poem, in Four Cantos: With Notes, Historical & Military: Also Several Detached Pieces. By Mrs. Philippart. Second edition. Philippart , Mrs. John C. (Author)
Publisher Mystery and Confidence: A Tale. By a Lady. In Three Volumes. Pinchard , Elizabeth Sibthorpe (Author)
Publisher O'Donnel: A National Tale. By Lady Morgan, (Late Miss Owenson) Author of The Wild Irish Girl; Novice of St. Dominick, &c. In Three Volumes. Owenson , Sydney (Author)
Publisher Researches, Concerning the Institutions and Monuments of the Ancient Inhabitants of America, with Descriptions and Views of some of the most striking scenes in the Cordilleras! Written in French by Alexander de Humboldt and Translated into English by Helen Maria Williams. von Humboldt , Friedrich Heinrich Alexander (Author)
Williams , Helen Maria (Translator)
Publisher The Mourtray Familyon. A novel by Mrs. Hervey, Author of Amabel; or Memoirs of a Woman of Fashion. The third edition. In four volumes. Hervey , Elizabeth (Author)
Publisher The New British Theatre; a selection of Original Dramas, not yet acted; some of which have been offered for representation, but not accepted: with Critical Remarks by the Editor. Vol. I. Containing: The Witness. The Watch-House. Intrigues of a Day. The Prophetess. The Masquerade. Theodora. The Word of Honor. The Bandit. The Forgery. The Genii. Burrell , Sophia (Author)
Galt , John (Editor)
Publisher The New British Theatre; a selection of Original Dramas, not yet acted; some of which have been offered for representation, but not accepted: with Critical Remarks by the Editor. Vol. II. Containing: Sulieman. Manæuvring. Villario. Family Politics. Thermopylæ. The Sailor's Return. The Last Act. The Way to Win Her. The Mermaid. Burrell , Sophia (Author)
Galt , John (Editor)
Publisher Voyages and Travels in Various Parts of the World, during the Years 1803, 1804, 1805, 1806, and 1807. By G. H. von Langsdorff, Aulic Counsellor to His Majesty the Emperor of Russia, Consul-General at the Brazils, Knight of the Order of St. Anne, and Member of Various Academies and Learned Societies. Illustrated by Engravings from Original Drawings. Part II. Containing the Voyage to the Aleutian Islands and North-West Coast of America. and Return by Land over the North-East Parts of Asia, through Siberia, to Petersburgh. Plumptre , Anne (Translator)
Langsdorff , Georg Heinrich von (Author)
Publisher Personal Narrative of Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of the New Continent During the Years 1799-1804. By Alexander de Humboldt, and Aimé Bonpland; with Maps, Plans, &c. Written in French by Alexander de Humboldt, and Translated into English by Helen Maria Williams. Bonpland , Aimé Jacques Alexandre (Author)
von Humboldt , Friedrich Heinrich Alexander (Author)
Williams , Helen Maria (Translator)
Publisher Clan-Albin. A National Tale. In four volumes. The second edition. Johnstone , Christian Isobel (Author)
Publisher Historical & Literary Memoirs and Anecdotes, Selected from the correspondence of Baron de Grimm and Diderot with the Duke of Saxe-Gotha, and many other distinguished persons, between the years 1753 and 1790. Translated from the French. Second edition. In four volumes. Diderot , Denis (Author)
Plumptre , Anne (Translator)
Melchior , Friedrich (Author)
Publisher O'Donnel: A National Tale. By Lady Morgan, (Late Miss Owenson) Author of The Wild Irish Girl; Novice of St. Dominick, &c. In Three Volumes. Owenson , Sydney (Author)
Publisher Private Education; or a Practical Plan for the Studies of Young Ladies. With an Address to Parents, Private Governesses, and Young Ladies. By Elizabeth Appleton. Appleton , Elizabeth (Author)
Publisher Travels in Southern Africa, in the years 1803, 1804, 1805, and 1806, by Henry Lichtenstein, Doctor in Medicine and Philosophy, and Professor of Natural History in the University of Berlin; Member of several learned societies; and formerly in the Dutch service at the Cape of Good Hope. Translated from the Original German, by Anne Plumptre. Vol. II Plumptre , Anne (Translator)
Lichtenstein , Martin Heinrich Carl (Author)

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"Henry Colburn [Conduit Street]." The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Firm ID 83, Accessed 2025-03-31.

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